19 ❀ Alarming heights

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          Ezra POV

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Ezra POV

The wind sways the trees softly as we stand there rather silently. There's also the dim background sound of the pack members sparing, they are far enough away that they can't hear what we're saying, but they feel the uneasiness that comes with a lycan's anger. They know to stay far away.

Reid's eyes narrow as he glares at me across the short distance that separates us. His eyes flicker down to stare at the knife in my hand before returning to my face.

"Don't make me ask again." I seeth, pushing my lycan back as it rears inside of me. That side of me doesn't seem to care that Reid is my so called "friend", all it thinks about is my mate.

He said he knows where she is, and I'm determined to find out.

"Like you even care." He scoffs, "You act like she's important to you, yet you treat her like she's somehow beneath you. Some mate you are."

I clench my jaw. I know he's right.

"That's none of your business."

He laughs without a single trace humor, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back on his heels.

"It is my business, believe it or not. You're our leader, yet you commit one of the most heinous crimes against the Goddess Herself."

It takes one glance in Ace's direction to see that he's putting the pieces together. It's not hard to realize what his brother is referring to.

     Everyone knows the worst thing you can do is reject your mate.

"She's under the pack house, locked up. The Alpha is punishing her for stealing. If you care so much, how come you don't know about that yet? Huh?" He continues to goad me, and I don't hold back my roar.

Klepto was in a prison cell and he rubs it in my face? Is this really the time to have this conversation... again? If he knew, why didn't he do something about it? He just waited around for me to find out for myself so he can push my buttons?

I turn away from him before I give in to my desires and attack him. The urge to pummel Reid is growing like a weed inside of me, but I resist the temptation.

As I stalk away, holding onto the knife for dear life, I hear Reid take a few steps forward.

"If you're so adamant about rejecting her, why don't you just leave her down there to rot? Wouldn't that just make this whole charade easier for you?" He raises his voice now, harshness coloring every emotional syllable.

I drop the knife onto the grass with a soft thump.

Something snaps inside me as the temperature of my anger rises to alarming heights. I can't hold it back now. It's too far gone, it's too late.

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