30 ❀ Rogue

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         Klepto POV

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Klepto POV

It's absolutely freezing cold, and my thick coat only somewhat helps to protect me against the winds and the snow that late November has in store for me.

I don't exactly know how far away I'm from the border of my pack, but it's not close by any means. The idiots who took me out here went a long ways before finally dumping me.

I'm sure they were told to make sure I was a long distance from the Green Pack before they returned, and that is exactly what they did. They carried me for more than an hour before plopping me into the snow.

As soon as my feet hit the ground, I noticed that I was shoeless. The cold, white snow attacked my naked feet. I thought back to when I crashed in my bedroom, taking off my trusty converses without a single care in the world. I would come to regret that simple moment.

What I wouldn't do for my shoes right now.

Since I have no shoes, I scurry out of my clothes and shift into my other body and stay that way.

Being a wolf for this long is strange, but I can't say I don't like it. It's freeing.

The first night I spend in that same place that I was left, not really knowing what I should do, so I lay under the stars and let myself feel nothing but the wet snow melting beneath me. I'm a rogue now. It's time to accept it.

At thIs point I am still processing that.


Even the word makes me shiver.

When the sun rises the next morning, I busy myself with simple things to keep my mind occupied, the rational side of me deciding survival is a priority rather than sulking. I quickly search out a river, knowing I need fresh water near wherever I settle, even if it's just for a short time.

After that, I go about finding a nice shelter to sleep in, which takes me a while. I'm searching high and low before I stumble upon a den already dug out under a large oak tree.

My luck has to be turning around, because this discovery is absolutely heaven sent.

I silently thank the Moon Goddess and whatever animal made this shelter, it's saved me a lot of trouble. There is no way I can dig a home for myself this time of year, the ground is completely frozen solid under the mounds of white fluff.

Then I go around collecting whatever foliage I can, which isn't a lot considering the season, and I use all of it as bedding.

I pack it down on the floor of the den, making sure to have as much as possible to keep me warm.

Once that's done, I hunt for my dinner, which happens to be a very tasty squirrel, though it's also small and I know my stomach will be growling later on.

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