23 ❀ Full circle

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          Klepto POV

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Klepto POV

The scent of bleach wafts up in the air, burning my eyes and nostrils. My nose wrinkles in distaste, trying to ignore the feeling that's building in the back of my throat.

My Aunt's words replay in my head over and over, breaking down my tough exterior more and more, convincing me that my mother isn't so bad.

It definitely shows me that you can't judge someone when you don't know their circumstances.

I'm back at it cleaning the pack house, my thick rubber gloves slick with cleaner as I wipe down the toys in the nursery. Whenever I think I'm done with one toy, I would imagine the amount of drool the pups in the pack leave behind and I scrub even harder.

After a few hours of non-stop cleaning, I am ready to take a nap, despite the fact that it isn't even past 8:00 AM yet.

Cleaning starts early.

I hate everything about the pack house, I've always hated it, but more so now with all the dark memories it harbors. Every now and then I'll have flashes of the events from that horrible day.

Ezra's harsh words, the haunting laughter of Nathan and his friends as they beat me to a bloody pulp.

Good times.

My injuries have healed over time from the ordeal, my broken nose slower than the others. Of course, my time in the wonderful pack prison hindered the healing process a little.

Werewolves are exceptionally fast healers, unless there is silver involved.

Silver. The mere thought of the word sends an involuntary shiver down my spine. The white bandages from my wrists and ankles were removed a few days ago.

The wounds are as good as they're going to get, the skin isn't raw and oozing anymore, but angry pink scars remain.

I polish the huge grandfather clock, wiping it with a small cloth, avoiding letting the cleaner touch my exposed skin. Huffing in annoyance, I lick my cracked, parched lips.

My mate has only been here a month and I have acquired more injuries in that short time than throughout my whole existence.

It has to be some sort of sign, right?

On the bright side, tonight is the full moon.

Despite popular myths passed around by humans, werewolves don't lose control during the full moon like wild animals on the prowl, but it's tradition to go on a pack run.

It's always something to look forward to.

Another dumb pack rule, no wolf in the pack can shift without getting permission from the Alpha first.

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