26 ❀ Pretend

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          Klepto POV

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Klepto POV

"What are you doing here?" The haughty voice leaves no question of who is asking me such a thing.

Tressa stands in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe with her hip jutted out in an effort to look sultry, but it just comes off as ridiculous.

I'm at my house, or my parents house I guess I should say.

It has been a week since the pack run, and I am still feeling totally and utterly depressed. To make it worse, I barely got any time with my Aunt Emilia, and she's leaving today.

Seeing it as my last chance to see her, I had woken up early and made my way over here in a hurry.

I'm not going to skip the opportunity to interact with someone who doesn't think I'm absolute trash. It's not often I find a person who actually cares about me.

"I'm coming to see Aunt Emilia off." I say slowly, trying to get it through her thick skull and into her itty bitty brain. Hopefully she'll understand something as simple as that.

She rolls her eyes and hooks her thumbs through the belt loops on her low rise jeans.

"Yeah, whatever." She says, letting me past reluctantly.

As soon as I walk through the door, she narrows her crystal blue eyes down at me.

"I'm sure you heard about what happened to Nathan?" I nod my head and she continues, "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?" The suspicion in her question is obvious, it's clearly an accusation.

"Nope." I say, shrugging my shoulders innocently. I don't think she buys it even if I am the best actress around.

"Hmmm." She hums in thought, rubbing at her arm subconsciously.

I'm surprised to spot a dark bruise maring her tan limb. It's large, and roughly the size of a fist. I squint at it as if it's about to disappear.

"Um, what happened?" I ask, actually feeling concern for her.

She glances down at her skin, her eyebrows furrowing, and her mouth drops open. Her hand immediately wraps around her arm, shielding it from my view.

"Nothing." She insists, walking up the stairs without another word.

I can't help being curious about what ex's happened to her. If she acts like nothing is wrong, then something is definitely wrong. I've never seen her be so quiet and reserved.

"Hey there, Kleppy." Aunt Emilia calls, and I smile before following her jovial voice down the hallway.

I find her sitting cross legged on the floor, eating a cup of yogurt in the middle of the living room rug.

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