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The car stops in front of a pretty huge, old building that looks like the school Harry and Liam saw on the web page on friday. In person it just seems bigger. There are probably hundreds of classrooms in there.

In front of the building is the green campus with a lot of students already there. Trees are placed to give some shadow places to relax, but enough sun is shining through them to light the stoney paths.

"C'mon, get out boys." Geoff says before exiting the car himself. The two boys exchange a quick look before getting out as well.

In front of the building are a lot of students. A few in uniform and others in normal clothes. Harry notices that - if they wear uniform - there are always two guys. One wearing the uniform with the blazer and the other with the white button-down shirt tucked into the pants. Also some of the guys with the button-down look at the ground, while the one with blazer talk to another guy with blazer. That is so weird.

"Good Morning." Harry turns his attantion to two guys - one in blazer, one in button-down - who are now with them. "I'm Colby and that's Sam." the one with a brown fringe and blue eyes introduces. The other one - Sam - has blue eyes as well, but blonde hair. Colby wears the blazer, Sam the button-down.

"Nice to meet you." Geoff says with a smile. "That's my son Liam and his friend Harry. Payne and Styles."

The brown haired boy nods. "Sam will show them to their room. You said you needed to talk to the principal, Mister Payne?" Colby asks very politely.

Harry and Liam just roll their eyes at that. If the school things that they will be able to bring them to talk like that, they are so wrong. They are teenagers - not royalty that needs to talk proper and posh.

"That's right." Geoff says.

"I'll bring you there." Colby says before turning to Sam, who smiles at the brown haired boy. "Bring them to their room and then show them around."

Sam nods and turns back to face Harry and Liam, who got their suitcases out off the trunk while Geoff started walking eith Colby.

"If you would follow me, please." With that Sam turns around and walks towards a smaller building to the side of the school.


The dorm rooms are rather small. Four beds, two closets, a table with two chairs and a window. The room is maybe the size of Harry's room back home, but there he lived alone. Here are three other guys with him sharing the space.

"Put you stuff down and I'll show you the school." Sam says, waiting at the door, a smile still on his face af it is glued there.

Liam and Harry exchange another look - they seem to do that a lot today.

"This school is weird." Liam notes quiet. Harry nods understanding and agreeing.

On their way here no one looked at them. They are not complaining too much, but they are new students after all and usually you would be stared at. And the boys are not that ugly - if they can say so themself.

"Let's get this fucking tour behind us so we can chill." Harry says annoyed.

Now it's Liams turn to nod agreeing.


The tour took roughly half an hour. Sam showed the boys only the ground level classrooms, because they won't need the higher levels as first years - Sam claimed. Now Liam and Harry stand behind the dorm building, smoking.

"I don't know why, but this school seems really strange." Harry claims before taking a drag from his cig.

"I know!" Liam agrees wide eyed. "Did you notice that some of the guys with button-downs just stare at the ground while the dudes with blazers talk?"

Harry points at his friend. "Yea, I did. That's so weird." He leans his head against the brick wall. "And the rooms are tiny. How will we survive in there for a year?!"

"You won't." Both boys turn to the unfamiliar voice. It's a guy with lip piercing and blonde-ish hair styled in a quiff. He is wearing a blazer and looks at the two boys with raised eyebrow.

"Uhm, who are you and why do you think we want to know your opinion?" Harry asks, letting the butt of his cigarette fall to the ground and stepping it out. He crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow himself.

"My name is Luke Hemmings and you asked a question. I know the answer so I thought I'd answer." Luke smiles and just then another boy with button-down comes to stand next to Luke, head bowed. Luke turns his attention to the new arrival. "Did you get him?" the pierced boy asks.

"Yes, Sir. He will be here in a second." the boy with curls says, still not looking up.

"Good boy." Luke ruffles through the other boy's hair with a smile. The other smiles at the ground,  small blush appearing on his cheeks.

Liam and Harry watch at the conversation in shock. "Did that dude just call him 'Sir'?" Liam asks, leaning closer to Harry, not looking away from the two guys in uniform.

"And did he just say 'Good boy'?" Liam nods as yet another person appears. This one is an adult, around his fifties.

"What is going on here?" he asks stern, arms crossed as he looks between all four of the boys.

"These two boys smoked, sir." Luke answers confidently, the man's eyes on him before moving to Harry and Liam.

"Bullshit!" Harry says defensively.

The old man's eyes wander down to Harry and Liam's feet where the two butts of their cigarettes lay. "I see that." He looks back up, an unamused look on his face. "We haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet. I'm Mister Hemmings, the principal of this school." At the name Liam and Harry take a quick glance at Luke. His name was Hemmings too, right? "Would you please follow me to my office, gentlemen." He doesn't even wait for an answer, he just turns around and walks away.

Once again the two best friends exchange a weirded out look before following the principal.


"Mister Payne, Mister Styles, I know we haven't had the chance to go over the school rules, but I'm sure you saw the no smoking signs around campus?" Mr. Hemmings asks. As an answer he gets an eye roll from Harry and silence from Liam. "These are the rules. Read them carefully and follow them." he says stern. "Breaking a rule will result in punishments. This once I will let it slide, because I know of your situation and you didn't know the rules yet. But no smoking at all, am I clear?" Both boys stay silence as they look at the papers Hemmings pushed in front of them - the school rules. "Am I clear?!" he asks once again, this time loud and demanding for an answer.

"Yes!" Liam says, glaring at the man.

"Yes, jesus!" Harry glares as well.

"Good. By now your uniforms should be in your room. Class start tomorrow at eight and I advise you to be on time and in uniform." the principal says. "You are free to go now."

Liam and Harry get up and take the rules with them. They sure as hell not gonna read those.

"I already hate this school." Harry grumbles as they walk through the halls of the big building. Liam makes an agreeing noise.

They better should have read the school rules. The fact they learn about the school the next day wouldn't be that overwhelming and shocking.

Birmingham Disciplinary School for Male - L.S.Where stories live. Discover now