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It's a little shorter, but welp...

I love Two of Us. I cried and I could cry again and again when Louis sings he wished he'd die instead of Jay...

She is so incredibly proud of him, I know it💕



Louis didn't get a chance to talk to Harry once they arrived home. The submissive immediately went upstairs to his room. His door slams shut, a clear sign he doesn't want to be bothered.

Luke walks out of the living room, Ashton trailing behind him. "How was it?" the principals son ask frowning at the slammed door.

Louis sighs. "Horrific." he simply says.

Lukes frown deepens. "Why, what happened? Was my dad unfair?"

"No." Louis answers. "Let's talk in the kitchen." he suggests before heading there.


"So what should I do?" Louis finishes his explanation on what happened just minutes ago. He looks helplessly at Luke, Ashton kneeling next to him.

Luke thinks for a moment. "Do you plan on punishing him, because he didn't listen to you and was disrespectful?" he asks, making Louis shake his head.

"No. I will talk to him, but I won't punish him." he says determined. "Even though I don't know everything that happened between Harry and his father, I knew from the beginning it wouldn't be good. That his father is Grimshits stepdad could no one know and I think his reaction to seeing him was just..." He thinks for a moment, not sure what to say. "It completely overwhelmed him and I can't imagine what it felt like to hear and see this asshole again." Louis shakes his head with a frown before once again looking at the more experienced dominant. "What would you do?"

"Ask him about it." the young man with lip ring says. "If he isn't ready to tell you yet, build trust so he will tell you at some point." he continues. "And it's probably best to keep Nick away from Harry. Your boy will probably connect seeing Nick with his father."

Louis nods understanding, giving his friend a thankful smile. Even though he grew up in a household that lived to some extend the BDSM lifestyle, no one prepared him for something like this. How would his parents know? Louis knows there is a class dealing with submissives with difficult pasts. It's not a compulsory subject, but he could sign them up for it. It isn't even a real class, it's just them sitting with someone who has a psychology background. He knows that Mr. Longwood's wife studied psychology and now works as nurse at the school. So he is going to talk with Harry and Mr. Longwood about it.



Harry didn't come out of his room the rest of the day. It is now 1 am and he still sits on his bed, knees pulled up to his chest, arms wrapped around them. He didn't eat anything and now can't sleep, memories playing in front of his eyes as soon as he closes them.

Louis came to check on him a few times, but Harry didn't respond. Before the dominant went to bed he came in again, telling Harry he could always wake him up if he needs anything.

Right now he could use a cuddle.

So with a deep breath he gets up and walks out of his room. He stops in front of Louis' bedroom door, not sure if he really should wake the blue eyed boy up or if he could get in trouble.

But Louis said he could wake him up, no matter what.

So Harry lifts his hand and quietly opens the door. The room behind it is black, just a bit light of the full moon shining in through the gap between the curtains and slightly illuminating the room in a blue-ish light. Harry can make out the silhouette of the bed with a sleeping figure in it.

He carefully walks toward this bed after he closed the door as quietly as he opened it. In four steps he is already at the side of the bed. The green eyed boy bites his lip unsure, but he takes a deep breath before he quietly says "Louis." into the darkness.

Louis moves slightly, but nothing more.

So Harry tries again, this time in his normal talking volume. "Louis."

This time the sleeping boy groans quietly before rubbing his eyes with his hands. He always was a light sleeper, really thankful for it in situations like this.

Harry watches Louis lean on his elbows, looking at him. "Hey, Harry." he says quietly and the submissive can hear the smile of the dominant but also the tiredness.

"You, uhm, you said I could--" He stops and shakes his head. "Never mind, it was stupid." Harry turns around to leave, but Louis is quick to reach out for his hand, holding him back.

The standing boy looks back at Louis. "What is it?" Louis asks with a soft voice.

Harry sighs. "I, uhm, was wondering if I could, maybe, sleep here? If it's not too much or anything, but I wasn't able to sleep and I could really use a cuddle and I just thought, because you said I could come to you if I need anything, so I thought--"

"Harry!" Louis cuts his rambling off with a chuckle. He lifts up his big blanket, smiling at Harry. "Come here." he says and Harry is quick to slip under the blanket.

He lays down and Louis covers him with the blanket. "How do you want to cuddle?" he asks, wanting Harry to be as comfortable as possible.

"Uhm." Harry blushes, thankful for the darkness so Louis can't see it. "Could we, uhm, can I be the little spoon?" he asks barely above a whisper.

Louis chuckles fondly. "Yes, yes you can." he says and they both position themself.

Harry sighs relieved as Louis places his arm over his side, pulling the boy as close to his chest as possible.

There is silence - comfortable silence - for a moment before Louis breaks it. "I want to sign us up to a class that teaches about submissives with troubled pasts." he says quietly, slightly worried Harry will jump up and run away. "It'll be just you and me and someone with a psychology background, like Mr. Longwood's wife." he explains further. "You can say no, but I think it'd be good for you. And me. The both of us. And we will talk about it first with Longwood so he can explain it again properly."

There is again a minute of silence before Harry answers. "Okay." he breathes out. "We can do this."

Louis smiles and just can't stop himself from placing a peck on Harry's neck. "Thank you." he says, placing his cheek at the back of Harry's head. "Now sleep."

Harry takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He quickly relaxes and finally drifts into sleep.

Louis smiles at nothing, happy Harry agreed to the class. "We gonna work this out." he says quietly. "We can do this."

And then Louis closes his eyes as well, falling asleep quickly. Both boys fell asleep with a smile on their faces and had a pretty good rest.

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