I'm sorry guys...

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Hey lovelies,

I'm sorry to say, but I won't be updating the story anymore. I put it on hold...

I already announced it on my profile a while back, but I guess a lot of you didn't see it. So I now decided to make it truely official by posting it here as well.

I just don't have motivation and/or inspiration to write the story further. I don't have any ideas of what I should put into the story and how to continue it.

I am thinking about re-writing it. Maybe only the dom/sub part and not with the whole rest of BDSM since I think that's the major point why I don't have ideas... Would you be fine with that? Because all in all I like the idea and as I said before I even have an idea for a sequel...

So yea, tell me if I should try and re-write it. And also if it should stay top Louis and bottom Harry or if I should switch.

Well, yea... I guess I just wanted to let you guys know. Maybe you can enjoy other stories of mine, if you haven't checked it out yet.

See you, when I see you

Love y'all💕

Elli x

PS: Here are the few lines I had for the next chapter so far. It's not a lot, but... Yea...


Around one and a half months later - End of November


Harry closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as ropes are strapped around his body. It's the second time they are doing this at their place and without supervision of Mister Hemmings. The submissive's righs hand twitches nervously as he feels a knot being tied above his sternum.

"What's your colour?" Louis' gentle voice asks, probably having seen the twitch.

Harry swallows before answering with "Green, sir."

As he feels two tap on his shoulder he opens his eyes and immediately looks into Louis' blue eyes. The dominant smiles at him.

"You're doing well, Haz." he praises. "Remember to colour out if it gets too much again. And please do colour out." He says the last part more urgently, because the last time Harry didn't and had a panic attack.

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