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Adding this little Lirry moment before a time jump. Just to see those two cuteys together again☺

And because Gunnarsenkid wanted a bit more Lirry

Have fun reading!


So, uhm... I wrote this ^ as I started the chapter a bit ago and... I did not plan for it to turn out the way it does... Sorry?

Also, thank you so so fucking much for one thousand followers! I love you all so fucking much! I appreaciate each and everyone reading, voting and commenting on this and my other stories!

I love you all and hope you don't kill me after this chapter😅😁💕



Harry walks into the shared bedroom from Liam and Zayn. Louis called his dominant friend to ask if they could visit them, because Harry wanted to talk to Liam. Now Harry and Louis are at their place - the dominants staying downstairs to give their submissives a bit of privacy while talking.

Liam jumps up from the bed as soon as he sees Harry to hug his friend tight. The hug is returned immediately and they stand like this for whole two minutes.

"So what's wrong?" Liam asks pulling away and looking at Harry. "Zayn said that Louis said you need to talk to me?" he asks frowning.

Harry sighs and pulls Liam back to the bed, pulling him down so they are sitting next to each other. He doesn't look at his friend, instead at his hands that are in his lap.

"I, uhm, I kinda had a…" He stops and looks up at the white ceiling with a sigh. "Some kind of revelation." he says quietly.

His nerves come back, crashing him. Thoughts start to run wild that make no sense, but still frighten Harry in case they do come real. His hands become a bit clammy and he wipes them on his pants.

Harry jumps a bit as Liam places a concerned hand on his shoulder. Their eyes meet and Harry can only see concern and support in those familiar brown eyes.

"Whatever it is, it'll be alright H. No worries, take your time." Liam says with a smile and Harry could just kiss him. His friend is just so understanding.

He takes a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. "Can we uhm, can we lie down until I work up enough courage again?" he asks his friend.

Liam just smiles and pulls Harry down so they are lying side by side on the mattress. Both look up at the ceiling as a comfortable silence settles between them.

To Harry it feels like forever until he finally speaks up, but in reality it's just about five minutes later.

"I'm pretty sure I'm gay, Liam." he whispers.

Liam next to him sits up as fast as lightning strikes, staring down at his friend for a moment before squealing and then hugging the still on his back lying Harry.

"Oh my god!" he exclaims laughing as Harry wraps his arms around Liam's back, letting go of the breath he was holding in. "When did you realise?" the brown eyed boy asks and sits back up.

This time Harry follows and they sit across from each other. Harry sits with his legs crossed and Liam his knees pulled up to his chest, arms around them as if Harry is about to tell him a magical story.

Birmingham Disciplinary School for Male - L.S.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz