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Harry walks into the kitchen feeling tired and unwell. His brain is still half asleep so he doesn't really register what he is doing as he simply walks towards Louis - who is fixing himself a bowl of cereal - and just hugs him.

The dominant is surprised by this, but nontheless places his arms around Harry's back. "Good morning, are you alright?" he asks with a slight frown on his face. It is weird to him that Harry just hugs him.

"Morning." Harry says quietly. "'M tired." he answers before he realises what he is doing and steps back. The boy keeps his head down to hide the small blush on his cheeks. "Sorry." he mumbles.

"It's fine." Louis chuckles and smiles at him. "If you want something else than cereal for breakfast, you sadly have to make it yourself. Luke and Ashton are... not available for making breakfast right now." he says. He usually has no problem with being straight to the point. Luke and Ashton are probably having sex right now, but he isn't sure how Harry would react to that. So he paraphrases it a little.

Harry sighs. "No, I'm good." he says and rubs his right eye with the heel of his right hand.

"Harry, you need to eat something for breakfast." Louis says stern as he places his bowl of cereal on the kitchen island.

"But I don't wanna eat anything." Harry whines, earning a raised eyebrow from Louis.

Harry just whined?!

"I don't care what you want right now, Harry. You can't go to school without something in you stomach. At least eat an apple." he insists.

Harry bites his lip as he looks towards the bowl with a few apples and bananas in it. He starts to rub his left upper arm up and down. "I don't say I don't wanna eat because I wanna rebel against you, Louis." he says, looking at the dom who is looking concerned now. "I think when I eat something I'm gonna throw up." he admits.

"You feel sick." Louis concludes, making Harry nod.

The submissive looks down at the floor as Louis walks to him, stopping in front of him. He holds his wrist against Harry's forehead. "Why didn't you say anything?" he asks, pulling his hand away. "You do feel a little hot."

Harry takes a deep breath, convincing himself to just tell him the truth. "I don't wanna be a burden. I'm an annoying sick, as my lovely father always told me." he grumbles.

"What? Why would he say that? Didn't he leave when you were young?" Louis asks with a frown.

How could someone's father tell their kid they are annoying when sick? Sure, kids can be whiney and clingy, but that's normal.

"He just always told me to leave him alone when I'm sick, because I'm annoying." Harry explains. The sad expression on his face breaks Louis' heart. "I just don't wanna annoy you with this. I'll be fine." the sub assures, but Louis doesn't buy it.

"Okay, go and lay down on the couch. I'll make you some tea and tell Zayn that he and Liam need to bring us the things we miss." Louis says, turning to the kettle.

"Wait, what?" Harry is confused. "Why would you do that?" he asks, hugging himself. "I can go to school and--"

The blue eyed dom stops his rambling before it really starts by turning to him and placing both of his hands on his submissive's shoulder. "Harry, you are sick and I won't let you go to school. It's doing no good to no one when you can't focus on what's said in class because you feel miserable. So you better stay here and recover fully."

Harry is quiet for a moment. "Alright, but you don't have to stay." And he expect Louis to laugh, because he might understood him wrong and he just tells Zayn to tell Liam. Or he decides Harry is right and will go to school.

But Louis scoffs. "Harry, taking care of you is - if it would be a job - it isn't - my job description." he says gently. "I told you that taking care of a submissive is all a dominant wants, especially when they are sick. Now go and lay down on the couch."

Harry manages a small smile that is short lived, because he really feels shitty, then goes and does as Louis told him to.


It's around lunchtime as Louis and Harry lay in the dominants bed. They moved upstairs, because a bed is more comfortable for both of them. Louis is watching tv quietly while running his hand through Harry's hair. The submissive lays curled up right next to Louis, sleeping. His head is on Louis' stomach, left arm thrown over the dom's legs while his legs are pulled up to his chest as far as possible.

Louis got a message from Zayn asking where they are because he and Liam would stop by while lunch break. So he texted him to be quiet when they come to his room.

There is a quiet knock before the door opens and Zayn and Liam step into the room. Harry stirs a little, but doesn't wake up.

Or that what Louis thinks.

Harry is awake, but doesn't open his eyes. He wants to witness Louis crying to his friend how annoying he is.

"Hi, how is he?" Zayn asks stepping closer.

"He had a fever when we came up here. Told me he feels sick as well." Louis explains quietly, not stopping to message Harry's scalp.

"Is he very clingy?" Harry hears Liam ask and tries not to stiffen too noticable.

"He is, but I don't mind at all." Louis says with fondness in his voice. "As he came down this morning he went and hugged me immediately. I was surprised, but I like him being clingy."

Zayn and Liam chuckle. "He hates to be sick." Liam says. "Thinks he's a burden to everyone. That's why he always went to school, even if he could barely walk. He didn't want to burden his mum so he never told her when he was sick."

Louis sighs. "The poor lad. I hope he understands that I don't mind him being clingy at all. That I love taking care of him."

And if the small pinch Harry feels at his side is anything to go by, Louis knows he is awake and wants him to really understand him. The problem is, all his life he thought he is a burden for everyone when he is sick, because that's what his father told and teached him. Louis telling him he isn't won't change a think in an instand. Louis knows that and he will make sure to tell Harry as often as needed that it's okay to be clingy when sick and it's okay to be taken care of.

"Well, when Harry wakes up tell him we said hi." Zayn says. They need to get back to school.

"Will do." Louis says with a smile.

"Oh!" Liam says before leaving. "Can you tell him we have a group prodject in history? Together with Niall Horan."

"I will do that too." Louis assures and the Harry hears the door open and close.

The submissive shyly moves to look up at Louis so his head is now on the doms shoulder and half of his body is on top of the dom.

"Hi from Zayn and Liam." Louis says with a small smile. "And you have a group project with Liam and some bloke named Niall in history."

Harry gives a small smile back. "So nice of you to tell me." he jokes.

Louis raises an eyebrow. "You can make jokes, so you must be better."

Harry sighs and nuzzles his head back into Louis' chest. "Still feel as if I have to throw up." he mumbles.

The blue eyed dom tightens his hold around Harry's waist, pulling him closer.

"Should I call a doctor?" Louis asks concerned.

"No, sir." Harry sighs, closing his eyes again. "Just wanna sleep." he mumbles already half asleep.

"Okay, do that." Louis runs a gentle hand through his sub's hair. "Get well soon." he whispers, thinking the boy is already asleep and places a kiss on top of his curly hair.

Harry - 90 percent asleep - smiles before just placing a peck on Louis' chest. Then he is out like a light and leaves a surprised but happy smiling Louis.

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