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Phew... Long time no see... Sorry for the long wait.

I love Kill My Mind and all his new songs Louis performed in Madrid. I can't wait to go to his tour next year. And for his album, oBvIoUsLy😂

I hope you enjoy the chapter! Leave a vote and a comment

Love y'all💕



Harry thought it'd be easier. He really did, but not even five minutes later realised it's not easy. Not at all.

Louis' first stop is the kitchen. The two boys walk downstairs and the dominant is quick to start on dinner. Well, putting a frozen pizza in the oven.

Harry decides to sit down as Louis leans against the counter and fishes his phone out of his pocket. But as soon as his bum hits the bar stool, Louis says "Get up." without even looking up at Harry.

The sub frowns, but stands up anyways. "I just wanted to--" he starts, but Louis lifts his hand, silencing the boy.

The older boy then looks up. "I know, but you didn't ask if you were allowed to." he says strictly.

"But it's sitting." Harry complains still frowning.

Louis nods. "Your punishment is to ask me for permission for everything you wanna do. Sit, be on your phone, eat, talk, pee... Everything." Harry looks wide eyed at his dominant, just now realising how hard this is gonna be. "The only thing you are allowed to do without asking first is kneel, but that will always happen by my side."

Harry bites his lip, but nods understanding. "Okay. Can I sit, sir?" he then asks politely.

Louis looks back at his phone, answering a text from Luke. "No." he simply says.


"No buts!" Louis warns as he puts his phone away. "Whatever I say goes. No complaining."

Harry frowns again. He thinks the frown lines might stay forever. So instead of sitting down he just stands there, not knowing what to do.

Louis then moves out of the kitchen, Harry following behind as the dominant walks upstairs back into his room. He watches how Louis plugs in his phone so it can charge before he makes his way back downstairs.

Harry following like a lost puppy.


Once Louis' pizza is ready to be eaten the older boy sits down at the dinner table. Harry has enough of standing around so with a sigh he goes over to his dominant to kneel down next to him.

Just a moment later he feels a gentle hand on the back of his neck, Louis' thumb stroking up and down behind Harry's right ear. For some reason it relaxes the submissive and he kneels a little more relaxed.

"Good boy." Louis says quietly and takes his hand away from Harry's neck again.

The green eyed boy bites his lower lip, willing the blush to go away, because no! He can't like that. He absolutely can't like the caressing and praises. No.

He hears the front door open, but doesn't look up. It's obviously Luke and Ashton, because who else would it be?

Harry hears steps coming closer, telling him that they are coming into the kitchen.

"We're back." Luke announces and puts something down on the counter from what Harry can hear.

"How was it?" Louis asks. His hand goes to Harry's head, running through the soft curls.

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