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45 minutes later Harry walks downstairs. He just took a shower and changed into a shirt and some sweats, his hair is tied up in a man bun so his shirt stays dry.

He walks into the kitchen, but stops as he sees two unknown guys there. One of them is sitting on a chair at the kitchen island and the other one kneeling next to him. The kneeling one has his head leaned against the other's leg. The guy on the chair scrolls on his phone while his left hand plays gently with the hair of the kneeling dude.

On-chair-dude looks up and at Harry, a smile forming on his lips. "When this isn't the one I caught smoking behind the school." Harry rolls his eyes, now remembering that guy. "In case you forgot, I'm Luke and that's Ashton, my sub." he says with a slight smirk.

Harry bites his lip, contemplating if he just should talk. Louis doesn't seem to be around so it wouldn't matter anyways, right? Nevertheless the green eyed boy sighs, fishing his phone out of his sweat pants pocket and starting to type away. He doesn't see Lukes and Ashtons curious looks towards him.

As he finished typing he gives his phone to Luke. 'I'm Harry. Louis forbid me to talk, fyi' is written as a note.

Luke gives the phone back and smiles. "I know, Louis told me." And as if he knew they were talking about him, what he probably did, Louis walks into the kitchen, smirking.

"I'm proud of you." he says to Harry, admiring the boys beauty for a moment. "You could have talked, because I wasn't here, but you didn't. What a good boy you are."

Harry glares at the slightly shorter boy, crossing his arms. What is that guy thinking? Harry is not some kind of dog! He is not a fucking 'good boy'. Louis calling him that is just disgusting.

"When will the boys come?" Luke asks Louis.

"They should be here any moment." answers the dominant before looking at Harry. "As long as our friends are here, you are allowed to talk, but as soon as they step outside the house, you must be silent again."

Harry scoffs before turning around and going back upstairs. He already hates all of this.

"And when they are gone we have to talk about rules!" Louis calls after him smiling. He is fully aware that he is pissing the boy off, but it's fun to him. The blue eyed lad wants to see how far he can push Harry. He is already surprised and proud by him not talking to Luke, because he was so sure he would talk.


Only five minutes later Harry walks back downstairs, curious about those friends that are supposed to already be here for 20 minutes, but showed up late.

He is quiet as he walks down, not really wanting to meet them, just to see how they look.

The first thing he notices as he walks down the stairs carefully is that there are four pairs of shoes extra. So there are four people he doesn't know.

He walks towards the living room, not entering though, he just wants to listen a little.

"And yea, that's my sub, Liam Payne." a voice says and Harry smiles brightly. Now he has to show himself.

So he steps into the living room with crossed arms and a serious look on his face. "Please not you freak."

All eyes turn to him as he stares at Liam. Liam smiles wide at Harry.

"Harry!" Louis exclaims shocked. He wants to scold the boy, but is interrupted by Liam, running to his sub and hugging him tight and lifting him into the air.

"You little fucker just left me." Liam says quiet, not wanting his dominant hearing him swear.

As Harry is put down he smiles at his best friend. "Sorry." He shrugs. "But I'm glad to see you are alive and well, my little bisexual friend."

Birmingham Disciplinary School for Male - L.S.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora