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The next morning was weird. At least for Harry. He woke up with an arm around his back while he is snuggled up to someone's chest. Louis' chest. The green eyed boy frowned for a moment before remembering what happened last night. With flushed cheeks he rolled out of Louis' arms and sat up.

"Good morning." Louis said with a deeper morning voice.

Harry jumped slightly, not expecting Louis to be awake. "Morning." he said as well, running a hand through his hair. "I, uhm, gonna go shower." And with this Harry left Louis' bedroom.

Now he walks into the kitchen, already dressed for school. Harry's cheeks turn slightly red as he sees Louis sitting at the kitchen island, eating some waffles that Ashton is making.

"Good morning." the other sub says smiling as he notices Harry enter.

Harry smiles back before sitting down next to Louis. The dominant smiles at his sub. "Did you sleep well?" he asks without any trace of mockery in his voice - to Harry's surprise.

"Uhm, yea, I did." Harry answers, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. He waits for someone to make some kind of comment, but Ashton just places a plate of waffles in front of him and Luke watching him fondly from the other side of the kitchen island.

"So, we gonna talk to Longwood about the class with someone with a psychology degree after school." Louis says. "After that we go home and I'll get your punishment."

Harry's eyes grow wide as he stares at Louis. "But I--"

"No buts!" the blue eyed boy interrupts immediately. "It's not because of what happened in the principal's office." he says calmly. As he sees Harry tense up, Louis places a comforting hand on his knee, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. "It's because of the smoking, love. And it's not gonna be too much for you to handle."

Harry takes a deep breath and nods. He understands why Louis is doing it. The dominant told Harry clearly what he thinks about smoking and why. And the submissive gets it, really. It just is hard to stop and seeing his father just pushed him over the line and he didn't care or think about consequences.

So Harry nods. "Okay, sir." he says, making Louis smile.


After an uneventful day in class, Louis and Harry are now sitting in front of Mr. Longwood.

The older man looks at them with a smile. "I heard about something happening at the principal's office yesterday?" he asks, looking at both boys.

Louis looks at Harry, who is looking at his knees. The older one sighs. "That's something I - we - wanted to talk about with you." he starts carefully. He places a hand on Harry's knee - just like this morning - stopping the bouncing. "We found out that Nick Grimshaw's stepdad is Harry's father." he explains carefully, eyes on his sub in case he get's too uncomfortable. "And what I gathered is that this man used to hit Harry and his mum." Harry tenses, but Louis can relax him by rubbing his thumb over the side of his knee.

"Where you able to talk to Harry?" Longwood asks.

Louis shakes his head. "No, he shut down. Smoked after he stormed out of the building and then hid in his room. He only came out at night, because he wasn't able to sleep alone."

"Did any punishments happen?"

"No, not yet. I won't give him one for what happened with his father, but for the smoking part." Louis tells the counselor. "But for the thing with his father I was wondering if this class with a psychologist would be usefull."

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