Ch. 5: Custodibus Pacis

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Day turned to evening, and evening turned to night. Very few words were spoken between the two. Stubbornness at its finest.

Dark stared deeply into the flames before him taking in his environment. He kept an ear out for every little sound or movement that he could hear. The crickets chirping, the leaves rustling, he heard it all. No matter what she said, he still believed they were at risk.

"There's nothing around us." He heard her speak followed by the sound of wood dropping. "That should last us the night." She wiped her hands together then on herself to remove the dirt before taking a seat next to him. "Still have an attitude?"

"I do not have an attitude." He answered plainly.

"Really? You haven't said much to me all day. What's your excuse for that?"

"A conversation works both ways, my dear. Why did you not speak to me?"

She stared down at her hands, "I get kind of — mean — when I'm upset. I didn't want to say anything I didn't mean, I didn't want it to end up in a brawl."

He smirked then looked over at her, "We are both, as they say, hard-headed people, no?"

(Y/n) hesitated before continuing. "Did you —" She paused. "Did you even miss me?" Hurt eyes looked up at Dark.

He was almost insulted by her question. "Why would you ask such a nonsense?"

"This is the first time we're seeing one another in such a long time — and just — I thought it would go a lot different."

"Tell me, Spero, how did you believe it would go?"

She wasn't prepared for the question and gave the first thing that came to mind. "I don't know just — it's my fault — I just wanted to take care of you first — what I wanted to happen and what needed to happen are two different things. I had to make sure you were okay first."

He placed his hand on her cheek and gazed into her eyes. "My soul yearned for yours every day I didn't see you, my dear. You have my heart."

She gazed at him deeply in the eyes, something sparked. "Then prove it to me.."

He wrinkled his brow, "In what manner? I mean —"

At that moment (Y/n) pushed her lips into his, knocking him over onto the ground. The kiss was passionate and rough, just how she liked it.

Dark, on the other hand, didn't really know where to place himself. He had a reputation as a man whore, but he was the opposite. Women threw themselves at him for his looks AND his power. Never did he reciprocate the attention. He found no need, no want to.

She straddled his hips and held his wrists down on the ground moving her lips all around his neck nibbling and biting everywhere.

"Spero I —"

"Shh," She cooed, "Let me take care of you ~"

This was a newer feeling, something he'd only felt a handful of times and that was IF he felt it. His face blushed red, he was enjoying it, but the confusion was overwhelming as well as how quickly she moved about.

Dark sat up with (Y/n) still cocooned around him. He grabbed her shoulders, looking her in the eyes. "What has gotten into you?"

"You, hopefully." She purred.

Her face flushed harder, "What?!"

She reached down and grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up over his head. Her lips reconnected with his, this time her tongue slipping inside for a moment just before she bit his lip. "Come on, Dark. I know how rough you can be, stop being so coy."

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