Ch. 22: Salvage

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(Y/n) had found a cave, a cold but dry space for herself. Tree wood had found its way inside off of a fallen tree. The surface was dry to the touch, which gave her hope. She concentrated her energy on the wood hoping that it would ignite. After a few tries, the wood finally caught to which she did her best to keep it lit. There was no knowing how much wood there was to keep it lit, but i was enough to keep her warm for a while.

The wind was no longer burning her skin leaving her with the ability to relax....king of. The harsh reality of baring a child returned as a contraction came along. Laying down on a large patch of moss she endured the pain cursing herself out for running away, cursing the demonic abilities she had yet to control.

Her fears were becoming a reality. Her hand reached down to her woman area to see the progress of the birth and the baby was crowning.

"I can't catch a break, can I kid?" She joked with a pain strained voice. "Oh boy..."

(Y/n) tried to hold the child in with every contraction but it was becoming more and more difficult. It was coming whether she wanted it to or not.

"Well kid, it's just you and me I guess."

Taking a deep breath she reached down and began to push. The pain was practically unbearable causing her to let out a scream.


"Wait." Dark stopped dead in his tracks. "Did either of you hear that?"

Susan and Anti stopped walking to listen.

"All I hear are those damn trees rustling together. I can barely even smell the lass anymore." Anti leaned against a tree rubbing his hands together. "It's cold as fuck out here."

"Did you hear (Y/n), Dark?" Susan turned towards him.

Dark paused for a moment listening in again, a moment later he heard the scream. "There, there it is again. Did you not hear it?"

"No, but, it may be something deeper than we can understand." Susan continued walking.

"Can't you like — talk to her or some shit with yer mind?" Anti asked following Susan.

"I've been trying to reach out but —" Dark heard another scream, but this time it sounded as if it were right near him.

Without a second thought, he dropped all of his supplies and dashed off into the snow. He was much faster than they could keep up with.

"Anti, keep up with him the best you can, I'll come up from behind don't worry."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, just go!" Susan signaled.

Dark took to his hands and feet running on all fours like a wild beast. Truth be told his natural instincts were kicking in as well knowing his "Mate" was in trouble. He slowed up after a few minutes as a large rock sat in the middle of a clearing. Returning to two feet he smelled the air and wondered around the rock. She was close.

Another large yell pulled him behind the rock and towards a small rigged mountain. A light lit up the opening and the smell of blood and sweat came from there.

"Spero!" Dark called out rushing towards the rock.

"Dark? Dark!" She called to him.

He turned the corner of the cave opening and was greeted by his partner in pain and the warmth of the fire. Blood was under her covering the moss, her thighs and her hands.

"Are you birthing the child?"

"Get the fuck down here and help me." She spoke through gritted teeth.

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