Ch. 24: Hot Springs

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As Dark was being given more responsibility he used it to his advantage. After arriving there he was looked down upon and now was looked upon for guidance and help. He enjoyed this newfound respect. There was no fear, just respect.

With this newfound power, he constructed many hidden temporary homes for the newcomers who arrived slowly just as they were finishing them. It was a full-time job. Most temporary homes were in the ground or in the trees. They held cover and were almost invisible.

While the weeks passed and he watched his son grow he also watched (Y/n) ponder in sadness. He didn't speak a word until she became too quiet for his comfort.

Sweaty, hot, and a bit uncomfortable Dark arrived at their home which had been cleaned up greatly and seemed more permanent than it was.

He walked up the few steps to the front door while taking off his soaking wet shirt. He dabbed it on his head and body before placing it around his neck.

"Spero?" He called out, "I'm home."

No one answered, no one seemed to be home.

"Spero? Where are you?"

"Shh!" (Y/n) walked down the steps pressing her finger to her lips. "I literally just put Umbra down for a nap. He didn't take one today."

"Oh, my apologies." He smiled. "How are you today?"

"I'm — alright, how's the building coming along?"

"They are finishing up out there for the day while the new comers get comfortable. It is simply incredible the work they put into these places."

"I'm glad to hear," She flashed a smile before returning to a neutral face.

She was being short with him, which he picked up right away.

"Spero, may I ask you something?" He walked up behind her as she fiddled with something on the counter. His hands wrapped around her body. "Are you alright?"

"Well, there's a very sweaty demon holding me right now. He kind of smells too."

"Is he good looking?"


He laughed a bit, "In all reality, Miss Spero, I do notice you are not acting yourself."

"You think so?"

"Something is plaguing you. I can smell the worry on your skin."

(Y/n) let out a small sigh, "Do you want to bath in the springs with me?"

"Bathe? Together?"

"I'll take that as a yes. Go grab clothing. I'll tell Anti to watch Umbra."

She moved away from Dark and into their bedroom.

"Wait? You are going to trust Contrarium with our son?"

"He's with Abby. He'll be fine!" She called back.


The hot springs were in a secluded area of the woods just off the side of a mountain. The water was a blue-clear color and warm, hot generally, but perfect.

The couple arrived lighting the pre hung lanterns along the way as well as the lanterns at the sight. The sun was setting and the air was growing cooler.

Their conversation was little to none on the way there which worried Dark further. Not only that, but he was a tad shy to be bathing with (Y/n). He felt as though their intimacy had reached another level.

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