Ch.23: 2,500

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Charlie sat with Umbra and played with him in the grass as (Y/n) and Abby sparred. She was recovering well, and fast. There was no real explanation to it either, besides her demonic side. She was hard on herself though. The more time passed, the more she knew she had to fight Die or someone.

Every day, for most of the day, (Y/n) would train and Umbra would go with her being carried against her body or used as a training weight. Dark worried for her, wanting her to rest a bit longer.

It seemed as though nothing was going to stop her.

"Good afternoon Charlie, how is the little one?" Dark bent down to the wide-eyed baby who's hair already shared the same black as his father's.

"He's doing fine. I'm amazed at his progress, it's been only a month and he's at the level of a 4-month-old." Charlie leaned back onto the grass. "Regular human babies are so weak and slow."

"Ah yes, but as you can see, many turn into great warriors." He gazed out at (Y/n) who was sweating up a storm.

"She's not —"

"You know what I mean, Charlie. Have you seen Storm?"

"No I have not, but (Y/n) did say she was going to speak with him today, maybe you could have her go with you to find him? She's been at this for hours..."

Dark gazed at her for a moment, then sighed, "I know. She refuses to stop."

He then picked up Umbra and carried him towards (Y/n). Amid the sparring, (Y/n) knocked Abby off her feet and held a staff to her throat.

"That's 12 to 3." She huffed, sweat falling off her.

"I never thought I'd say this but thank god you're here, Dark." Abby stood up slowly, covered in sweat as well. "I'm taking a break."

"Oh come on, we went 20 rounds yesterday!" (Y/n) called out.

"I think you need a break as well, I believe someone misses you." Dark rubbed Umbra's hair while she rubbed her face down with a cloth.

"My boys," She smiled taking Umbra in her arms, to which the infant smiled. "What brings you here, I thought you were making battle plans with some of the soldiers?"

"I need to talk to Storm, but according to Charlie you do too."

"I do, I haven't seen him all day, which is strange. He's usually out and about."

They traveled to the one spot he usually went to take in his thoughts. In the main building in town in his office. He hated spending time in there unless he needed to, and it seems as though he needed to.

Dark knocked upon his door to which he was relieved to enter.

"Oh, the lovely couple, how are you two today?" Storm stood up from his desk to greet them. "Ah yes and the little one."

"We're doing fine, and so is Umbra." She smiled, "Why are you hiding in your office?"

Storm's smile turned to a frown, "I — have some news. I was waiting for the right time to tell you but it seems now that it can't wait."

"What kind of news? From the tone of your voice, it sounds unfortunate..." Dark raised a brow.

Storm sighed taking a seat back at his desk, "Please, sit down."

The two sat in front of their leader, concerned.

"You see...we don't have much time to attack." He stared down at the book in front of him. "As you know we have allies in large groups across the former US, and, I have just received word that one of our groups have been taken out — entirely."

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