Ch. 13: Two Plans, One Victor

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"I remember it all very clearly as if I was Rose." (Y/n) sipped water from a cup. "I also remember being really mad at You, like even madder than I've been before we met." Her eyes traveled to Dark's, "Are you alright?"

Dark smiled, "Do you truly believe I am that weak?"

"No, I just believe I'm that strong." She smirked.

Storm smiled as well, "I'm glad you're both alright. Again, I apologize for all the trouble Abigail has caused."

"Well if she wants to apologize she can start with the giant hole in my bedroom." (Y/n) sipped her water again.

"As of now, it's covered but not fixed yet. I'll be sure she fixes that and continues a punishment." Storm nodded.

"If I may," Dark spoke up, "I still wish to train with her."

"Absolutely not," (Y/n) barked. She accidentally slammed the cup on her table causing it to spill. "I don't want her anywhere near you. She tried to kill you!"

"I would like to emphasize the word try. I chose not to fight back due to the possible repercussions from such an event." Dark crossed his arms.

Storm nodded once more, "Which I am thankful for your choice. I know you are much more powerful than my daughter, who is also very —"

"Her bark seems to be bigger than her bite." Dark finished. "I easily dodged her attacks. She lets anger blind her movements, which shouldn't lead the way."

Storm leaned back in the chair, "She's always been anger driven it seems."

"Which is strange because you come off as a much more peaceful person."

"Her heart does not forgive, not easily that is. She is full of resentment towards you in particular. Which is fair, I mean, look at the world you've created. All the suffering, all the death, all the pain. She has been affected by this since birth."

"Then why do you not treat me the same?" Dark peaked over at him.

"You're seeking a change in yourself to do better. I have seen the improvements since your arrival. You're not this heartless demon that most see you as. I believe all demons are capable of this. Your choices may have lead to horrific events, but they've also created amazing things."

"You must be jesting at me."

"I'm not, Dark, look at me. The person before you wouldn't even exist if the portal to hell had not been opened. Look at the woman next to you, your mate, your love. Tell me, would she exist without all of this?"

Dark looked over at (Y/n) who then looked at him as well. His eyes returned to Storm, not realizing that there possibly was something good in this. "My intensions were purely selfish."

"They were selfish. As of now, you're with us, to bring down the demon empire. To start a new. Tell me, do you still wish to be king? To have most if not all hate you? To rule all of this unhappiness?"

Dark never actually thought of that since he had escaped. His focus was, is, and always has been (Y/n). "I do not wish to be such a king."

"Wonderful news, you don't have to be!" Storm laughed. "Yes, you have a — well — a pretty bad past, but that doesn't mean someone can change. You are the proof."

Dark smiled slightly, "If you believe so, Storm."

"Of course I do, but, it is still dark out and I do want to get more sleep before day break." Storm yawned.

"I'll walk you to the door," (Y/n) stood up. "You can wait for me in bed, Dark."

"Alright, dear."

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