3| Out Of The Shadows, Into The Action

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Reader's perspective

"Hey Hank!" He'd only just entered the room & he was already about to get dragged to another place.

"What is it (L/N)?"

(Y/N) looked at her computer monitor.

"A new deviant case was just reported, up for another?"

"At my age? At this time of day? Shit kid you're joking. No doubt it's up for it though." He tapped Connor's shoulder as the android looked on.

"Then let's get our asses into gear."


"Victim's name is Michael Graham, he claims the android choked him before escaping through a window."

(Y/N) pushed the pen in her hand back into her green hoodie's pocket.

"Real question is," (Y/N) was investigating the victim's house with Connor's help, trying to piece together what happened.

"was it self-defence or assault?" she asked the rhetorical question to herself & the android.

She took another look at her surroundings.

"Gosh, none of this makes any sense, there are random events scattered everywhere, it's as though nothing's supposed to match up."

"Like they're trying to evert us from the trail?" Connor asked.

"Exactly. What did Michael say happened?"

"He stated the android threw itself at him all of a sudden, trying to cause harm with a kitchen knife. He fought it back until it took hold of his throat, throwing him into a wall & retreating through the kitchen window."

"There's signs of a struggle in the living room, you sure he's telling the truth?"

"The victim specifically said it started & ended in the kitchen, so far with all the evidence leading up to it I have to agree with him."

"My own android has turned against me, sure you're not deviating Connor?"

He stared at her, puzzled, LED blaring a bright yellow, then red.

"I was joking? Ha ha? Any humour whatsoever? Ugh, forget it."

She grazed her fingers over the windowsill.

"I'm going outside, I need you to stay here & look for any more evidence."

"I assure you Detective, I will help you in whatever way I can in order to find this deviant."

She climbed out the window, knowing the cellar she'd already inspected was still unlocked. (Y/N) went down the stairs, locking the door behind her before looking for the android. There was a shuffle & she froze.

"AP400, if you're down here I don't want to hurt you, I just want to talk." She'd already seen the LED on one of the boxes & hidden it from Connor. The deviant approached hesitantly, peering out from behind an old dryer.

"Why would a human care? Humans hate us, we're the scum of the earth to them."

The officer dropped her gun & phone on the ground, the AP400 staring at the cell phone for a brief moment before everting his eyes back to (Y/N).

"What's your name?"

"Andrew. My name is Andrew."

"Okay Andrew, tell me what happened."

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