12| A Drunk Stumble

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Reader's perspective

(Y/N) gave Hank a hand as he stumbled out of his own car – which (Y/N) drove since he was severely drunk. "You know, you didn't have to do this (Y/N), I could've just called plastic asshole to get me."

"I found you behind the Jim's chugging whiskey, insisting that you were 'totally not fucking drunk, just tired' whilst you mumbled something about the Detroit Gears. You definitely needed a lift home."

She'd actually found his car beforehand – no sign of Connor, though – & immediately knew where he was.

(Y/N) opened the door before lowering her drunken friend onto his couch, Sumo welcoming her with a happy bark. Closing the door & locking it, she went into his kitchen to help around the house as much as she could.

"Hope you don't mind me cleaning up a bit."

"Not at all, hell, it would be the best thing this place has seen in a long time."

(Y/N) watched as her companion stumbled to bed, lucky enough she caught his arm before he tripped over his own feet.

"You know, you got a good heart kid, we need more people like you. Ones with less head up their ass."

"This is outside of work Hank, I'm just helping a friend in need, now get your drunken ass to bed."

He let out a chuckle before flopping onto his bed, only to fall asleep as soon as he hit the mattress. He muttered something before dozing off.

(Y/N) couldn't help but smirk, turning the light off for her friend as he lay sound asleep.

She finished washing a few dishes & picking up empty alcohol bottles around the house, giving Sumo belly rubs every now & again. She went into the bathroom, when she swore she heard knocking, but it must have been her imagination. (Y/N) peered into Hank's room, watching his chest rise & fall in a steady pattern. She knew about her friend's troubled past, the death of his son & his lapse into depression, she just wanted to help him whenever he needed it. Turning away from his room she almost tripped over her own feet, banging her elbow on the doorway & cursing under her breath.

A crash was heard from the kitchen as Sumo started to bark, before suddenly silencing. She reached for her gun before holding the firearm firmly in her hand.

"Who are you? I'm armed, what business do you have here?" (Y/N) yelled from the hallway, slowly edging toward the kitchen only to spot a certain RK800 model brushing glass off of his suit, adjusting his tie.

"My apologies, (Y/N), the door was locked & it seemed as though no-one was home. The window seemed like the least damaging way to get inside."

(Y/N) took another look at the window, wondering why Connor didn't ring the doorbell, before remembering it needed its batteries replaced.

"Well, there goes the replaced glass pane. Connor, next time, just open the window, alright? Actually, call me or Hank before pulling stunts like that again."

"Of course, sorry again for any problems I may have caused."

"That's alright Connor."

She placed the gun back on its mount near her calf, her heartbeat slowing.

"Your heart rate levels have gone back to a healthy beat pattern, I hope I didn't cause any distress (Y/N)."

"I'm quite alright Connor, you just, startled me, that's all."

"I will attempt to not let it happen again."

Connor had never been this worried about (Y/N) before, maybe a new software update gave him more human-like feelings? The android scoped the house, his eyes suddenly falling on the woman's (H/L) (H/C) curls as her (E/C) hues locked with his chocolate brown. (Y/N) pulled her eyes away, picking up the left-over magazines spread across the kitchen counter & placing them in a neat pile, Connor still observing her blankly.

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