20| Traitor

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Reader's perspective


(Y/N)'s gasp of shock echoed through the room as the Chloe's head fell, motionless. Pale blue thirium spilt onto the clean floor, some of it landing on her.

He'd shot her.

He'd actually done it.

Tears welled in (Y/N)'s eyes, before she stared at Connor – the android she believed in so, so much – with a glare & stalked off swiftly, throwing the door open.

"Fuck! Kid, wait!" Hank yelled, but she was already slamming the door behind her.

"Test negative. You chose your investigation over the life of another android. You feel no empathy." Elijah took the gun off of Connor.

Hank looked at Connor, then started going to check on the woman he considered his child.

"Kid?" He yelled into the waiting room which was empty.

"(Y/N)..." He looked out the front door, seeing the woman having an emotion breakdown over a piece of plastic.

"I trusted him...I believed that he was changing..." She pulled at her hair, Hank taking hold of her shoulders.

"Pull yourself together kid, we should've known." There was slight dismay in his tone.

"To think, I felt something for that plastic asshole." She shook her head.

The front door opened, & Connor walked out as if nothing had happened. Hank went back up the steps that led inside, letting them sort out their issues.

"You shot that innocent woman for fuck's sake." She snarled at him.

"It wasn't a woman, (Y/N). It was a machine that looked like a woman." He pressed.

"It doesn't change the fact that you looked her dead in the eye & shot lead through her godamn forehead!" She stormed up to him & he pushed her backwards, perhaps in too harsh of a manner.

"I did what I had to advance the investigation & I'd do it again if I had to!"


"I opened up to you & showed you my sensitive side just like you did & what do you do in return?! You leave! Just like everyone else in my life! How fucking stupid was I? I thought you were something better, I thought you were alive! But you know what I realised?!" He saw how swollen her eyes were. (Y/N) felt as though she was lashing out too much, but she'd bottled all this up & now that it was trickling out of the broken bottle it flowed out wave after wave.

"You're a fucking machine! That's what you are! I...." She turned her head, feeling stupid for what she still felt for Connor.

"You need to calm down Detective (L/N), it was simply a machine - it was just one android."

"You're just one android! One android I cared about!" She roared at him, emphasising on the past tense of 'cared', even though her heart strained after saying it. Even Connor looked taken aback by what she'd yelled in her rage.

"(Y/N), just.. be rational about this-"

"I'm done."

She stalked over to her car, opening the door. She looked back at him one last time with a mixed expression, running a hand over her face & through her hair, shaking her head as she felt a migraine crawling its way into her skull.

"No, I'm-I'm done." She slammed the door, turned on the car with shaking hands & took off, trying to focus on the road. She only just realised how much of a bitch she sounded like back there...

More Than A Machine || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now