18| Decisions, Decisions..

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Connor's perspective


"Ten more minutes..." (Y/N) mumbled against her pillow.

"It's 10 in the morning."

She bolted upright.

"WHAT?! SHIT, WE MISSED THE CASE!" That seemed to work, as she jumped from her bed – not disturbing Blue in the process luckily-, sprinted into her cupboard, pulled out some clothes & almost slipped on the tile flooring of her bathroom.

It wasn't really 10 yet, but rather 7 o'clock, & if they wanted to get to Kamski's on time then Connor really didn't have to wake her up so early. Humans were such strange things, they got frazzled by the simplest of situations. It was quite amusing, watching their puzzled or shocked faces as they registered what was actually happening around them, like a scared rabbit.

(Y/N) stepped out of the bathroom in a pair of black leggings, a dark grey hoodie & a maroon scarf, a light grey beanie on the top of her head. Her hands were on her hips.

"So much for it being 10 in the morning, you liar." She shook her head, a smile dressed her lips. "Hey, at least I have time to take Blue on a quick walk." She looked back, her dog now awake and giddy with excitement. She looked back at the android, still smiling sweetly "Care to join us?"

As she strolled down the stairs into the main living area, Connor couldn't stop staring at her.

Yet he had no idea why.


(Y/N) exited the car before Connor, seeing Hank outside on the phone. His facial expression seemed a mix of sentiment and worry.

"Hank?" He turned to face her, a near upset look on his face.

"What's wrong? Who was on the phone?"

"Is everything okay, Lieutenant?"

Hank let out a sigh.

"Chris was on patrol last night.  He was...attacked by a bunch of deviants..."
Connor saw (Y/N)'s face fall, her (E/C) eyes struck with concern.
"He said he was saved by Markus himself..."

"Is Chris okay?" Connor asked.

"Yeah. He's in shock but...he's alive."

(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows in fear & possibly regret.

"God, I knew I should've been out there with him...If I didn't screw up & almost get myself killed maybe I could've-"
"It wasn't anyone's fault kid, don't beat yourself up about it."

"But that night I was supposed to be out on patrol with him-"

"But you would've been too shaken up to go out there anyway, (Y/N)."

They made their way towards the house of Cyberlife's old founder, Elijah Kamski.

"I have a bad feeling, Lieutenant. We shouldn't have come here."
"Bad feeling, huh? Should get your program checked. Might be a glitch."

They approached the door, Hank ringing the doorbell as they waited.

A blonde android in a blue dress answered the door, her face emotionless.

"Hi...We're, er, Lieutenant Anderson & Detective (L/N), Detroit Police Department. We're here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski."

"Please, come in." The android woman now had a smile on her face, beckoning them into the warm house.

"Okay..." Hank muttered as 'Chloe' shut the door after they were all inside.

'I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable." She gave a nod after her statement before leaving the room.

More Than A Machine || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now