13| Broken Glass

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Moments before...

Connor's perspective

Connor knocked on the door at Lieutenant Anderson's estate, straightening his tie.

"Lieutenant Anderson?"

After several minutes without a response, he decided to instead ring the doorbell, glancing through the window to see that no-one was home. Or at least he thought, until he heard a ruckus inside & his LED blared a yellow.

He walked around to the back of the house, noticing that the window to the kitchen that he'd already broken a while ago had been replaced yet again. Taking several steps backwards, he charged at the window, angling himself so that on impact he'd roll into the house unharmed. There was a shatter, a small thud & Sumo started barking.

"It's alright Sumo, it's me." He said quietly.

Something that sounded like movement came from the hallway.

"Who are you? I'm armed, what business do you have here?"

(Y/N) walked into the kitchen with a gun in her hand, watching as Connor brushed several shards of glass off his suit.

"My apologies, (Y/N), the door was locked & it seemed as though no-one was home. The window seemed like the least damaging way to get inside."

She looked so tired, her bloodshot (E/C) eyes made her face light up & the bags under her eyes proved that she'd been up working for quite a while. Her (H/C) curls were a mess, he wished he could do something to help her, but he guessed being there was enough.

"Well, there goes the replaced glass pane. Connor, next time, just open the window, alright? Actually, call me or Hank before pulling stunts like that again."

"Of course, sorry again for any problems I may have caused."

"That's alright Connor."

He watched her put her firearm back as her heart beat slowed to a steady pace.

"Your heart rate levels have gone back to a healthy beat pattern, I hope I didn't cause any distress (Y/N)."

"I'm quite alright Connor, you just, startled me, that's all."

"I will attempt to not let it happen again."

Connor didn't know why he seemed to care so much about (Y/N), but it was as though something flipped a switch in his programming, he realised a while ago that (Y/N) & him were quite close, but it felt like something more. He cared about her safety & health more & more, as though she was more important than completing the mission, what was wrong with him? His eyes met hers & they stared at each other for what felt like forever, he felt his thirium pump beat faster until (Y/N) pulled her eyes away, focusing on cleaning up the house yet again.

"So, why exactly did you need to get Hank?"

"A new case came in, it's first official instructions were for me to retrieve both you & Lieutenant Anderson for our next mission."

He remembered exactly what Hank said to him.

"Where are you going?"

"To get drunker.

I need to think."

"Both of us?"

"Yes, both of you (Y/N)."

She hummed in comfort as Sumo waltzed up next to her, allowing her to run a hand through his thick fur.

"So, what's the case?"

More Than A Machine || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now