28| Thank You

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Reader's Perspective

"Come on old man..." (Y/N) knocked for the third time, getting anxious.

"If he's out getting drunk, I don't care how much I missed him, I'm gonna kick his ass." She knocked one last time.

"Screw it." She opened the door with ease, seeing Sumo lazing on the ground, & what looked like the beanie & outfit Connor wore to Jericho. Hank was no-where to be seen.

"Sumo!" He perked his head up, tail tapping happily. "Aw, I missed you too." She sat down next to him, running her hands through his coat & resting her head in his fur, sighing. He was such a gentle giant to her, a large, overly fluffy old cloud that loved sticks, food & attention, like any other dog.

"Who's a good boy?" He licked her face in response.

"That's right, you are."

She looked up at the table, seeing Cole's face.

He'd be so proud of Hank

She also noticed the photo on his work desk was now next to it, that definitely wasn't there last time.

Now, Sumo, where's your-"


She looked at the doorway to see none other than Hank standing in his coat, his eyes wide. She stood up to face him.

"Hank." Her eyes watered up. "Look, for running off and- and being a brat and e- everything-"

"Stop your blubbering, kid." He chuckled, opening his arms to her, which she gladly accepted.

"I'm sorry." She sobbed out, "I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass & driving off and – and almost getting-"

"For once just shut up, alright?" He said, relieved, hugging her.

"When are you going to learn not to be a hero, huh?"

She sniffled "Never."

"Good. Don't you ever change for this world, you got that?"


He stepped back & gave her a pat on the shoulder as she regained her breath, still wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Jesus, you've turned into more of a wet sponge than me, & that's saying something."
She shook her head, laughing at him.

"Never shut up, old man."

"Believe me, I won't be any time soon.
It's just, I'm happy you're safe kid. You scared me shitless."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"And for God's sake stop apologising."


"If you say you're sorry again I swear to God." She laughed again.

"Well then I'm not sorry."

"Exactly. You have nothing to be sorry about, you hear? All that shit on the TV, how damn proud you made me, don't you go apologising for that."

"I won't."

"Good." He let out a breath, messing up her hair with his hand. "Good to have you back safe, kiddo."

"Good to be back, Fowler's probably blown his top for me being gone."

"Believe me, if he saw the news he'll be thanking you for not showing up to work."

She shuffled awkwardly.

"I know you're not exactly wasted & about to pass out cold any second, but, can I stay here?"

It was his turn to shake his head, smiling.

"Sure kid. Where's Connor?"
"We're meeting up with him tomorrow."

"Do you know where?"
She gave a knowing smile.

"I think I have an idea on that."


"You sure about this kid?"
"Positive, this is the one place I know he'll visit."

The sun flooded in from under the bridge as they waited outside the Chicken feed. They were waiting in their coats as the air was filled with their breath, each time (Y/N) would watch hers wisp around in the cold breeze before fading away. Hank looked at the ground, kicking his foot back & forth a bit as he crossed his arms.

The sound of crunching snow got closer & they both turned, seeing the RK800 walk towards them both. (Y/N) watched as Hank smiled, Connor returning it.

Oh, for God's sake just hug already

Hank stepped towards the android, grabbing his shoulder & pulling him into a hug, (Y/N) beaming.

"You straightened out, son." He patted Connor's shoulder, stepping away.

"Could say the same about you, old man."

"Heh, looks like you grew a pair after all."
"Like hell he did."

The boys looked over at (Y/N) who'd just spoken, her arms crossed.

"What, no hug for me?" She asked jokingly, only to shut her mouth when Connor walked up to her, her eyes wide with confusion.

"Con, I was joking." He took hold of her waist.

"I know."

She gave him a confused expression, his hand drifting to her chin, tilting her head up so they locked eyes. He brushed the hair out of her eyes, & leaned in, their lips meeting. Her hands wrapped around the back of his neck as she smiled into the kiss, a light red dusting her cheeks.

"I love you too." He said after they parted. "And that is definitely me not joking."

(Y/N) rested her head on his chest with content.

"I know."

She looked back up at the android she'd grown to love.

The one who loved her back.

She just stared up at him, him doing the same as a comfortable, warm silence sat around them, one that felt like what her mother always described to her. She was exactly where she was meant to be.

"Fucking finally." Until Hank's voice broke the silence, Connor & (Y/N) looking at him.

"Been waiting for you two kids to have some common sense for the past week!"

Connor & (Y/N) looked at each other again, before the woman burst out laughing, Connor letting out a light chuckle as well. She rested her hand on his cheek.

"You really are more than a machine."

He placed his hand over hers.

"And I have you to thank for it."

Connor: Lover

More Than A Machine

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