11| Dirty Dancing

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(Just a note, I couldn't write a fight scene to save my life
Mk, enjoy)
Reader's perspective

At around 8:20 at night, (Y/N) was running a hand through her German Shephard's coat as he lazed on the couch with her. She was wearing a black & white striped long-sleeved top with black jeans, her coat sat on the hanger near the door as she turned the page of the book she was reading. Blue let out a breath of content before yawning, signalling for her hand to retreat from his fur as he was ready for bed.

As Blue snored softly, a light knock was at the door. Sighing, she threw her book in the place of where she'd just been sitting.

"Connor?" She opened it to the same chocolate eyes she was now familiar with.

"Good evening, (Y/N)."
"What can I do for you?"
"Another case has come in; a man was found dead near the downtown district. I was ordered to retrieve both you & Lieutenant Anderson for this case."

(Y/N) watched her dog breathe in & out slowly.

"Just let me grab my coat, I'll be out in a second."

A few moments later she was filling her dog's food bowl. Scruffing his fur lovingly & locking the door behind her, she bounded down the steps to the car.

"Alright, downtown or bust."


(Y/N)'s eyes widened as she saw the sign of the place they'd pulled up to.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Of all the damn places."

Eden Club, AKA blow your load & hit the road. This was a screw & run sort of establishment – if you'd even call it an establishment – for drunk, cheating & lonely people. (Y/N) usually wouldn't touch the place with a 20-inch stick.

Apparently today was not one of those days.

"It feels like somebody's playing with a drill inside my skull." Hank groaned, currently hungover in the front seat whilst Connor drove.

"Welcome to hangovers, you must be new here." (Y/N) smiled ironically, before reverting back to her entirely uninterested expression. She blew a piece of (H/C) hair out of her face.

"You sure this is the place?" He asked, ignoring the woman's snarky response to his pain.
"It's the address in the report."
"Right...Okay. Let's get going."

They each exited the car, (Y/N) with upmost hesitance.

"Billions of years of advancement in humanity, & we make this shit." (Y/N) gestured towards the club, an utterly sarcastic look on her face.
"Haven't we come far? Are we proud? You bet!" She muttered.

As they walked in, Connor noticed her anxious expression. His eyes darted to her hand before he kept looking straight ahead.

"Sexiest androids in town...Might finally find you a decent man, (Y/N)."
"HA! PLEASE. I have a decent man. He has 4 legs, fur, a tail & is currently waiting patiently for me back home. Besides, this place makes me..."
"Uncomfortable?" Hank offered.

"Regret being part of the human race." She threw as a retort, running a hand over her forearm sheepishly.

"Perhaps if the detective is feeling unsettled we should-"
"It's fine Connor," She rolled her head from side to side, feeling it crack. "sometimes you've just gotta roll with the punches."

More Than A Machine || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now