Pleasure *Chapter 12*

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I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 12


I wake up on the morning of Drew's parent's party and sigh. I'm really nervous about the party.

What if all the people there don't like me? What if they all want me dead like Kile? What if they want to eat me?

I groan and roll out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and look at the time. It's two minutes till seven!

I run back to my room and change quickly. I run to the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth. I check the time. Less than one minute till seven!

I run down the stairs and then down the hall that leads to Drew's room. Right when I get to Drew's door, Kile opens his door. He smirks and says, "It's one minute past seven. You're late."

I glare at him and go to say something, but Drew's door opens. I turn around to see him glaring at Kile. "What's going on?"

"You're maid was late" Kile said.

Drew glares at me now and I flinch at the anger in his brown eyes. "Get in here" he growled.

I bow my head and walk into his room. He slams the door shut behind me and I flinch at the loud noise in the quiet room. Something is wrong with Drew.

"What is wrong with you!?" he yelled at me. "Why were you late today? Why today, of all days? God, you're so stupid!"

I'm stunned. Is he seriously yelling at me because I was late today? What's so different about today? "What? I can't control this! I'm sorry I woke up two minutes before seven!" I shouted.

Drew growls at me and starts walking toward me. I walk backwards. "Do not mess with me!" he yelled. "I have not drank in a long time, I'm pissed off, and you are not helping!"

I hit the wall and he comes up to me. He leans in close to me and whispers, "This is your punishment." He kisses me.

I'm stunned. I don't kiss back at first, but when he tries to open my mouth, I respond. I kiss him back.

He pulls away and whispers, "I'm so thirsty." He kisses my neck and I try to get away from him. "Don't move" he growled.

I stop moving and he kisses my neck again. I feel his teeth on my skin and I shiver. Then he bites me.

It hurts at first but then it feels amazing! The best I can explain it is when you lie down after a long day. It feels good, even if it it's kind of painful. It's a good pain.

I close my eyes and sigh in pleasure. I lean my head back and relax in Drew's arms.

When he pulls away, I whine. I feel myself being picked up and then lied down. I open my eyes and look up at Drew.

"I'm sorry, Heaven! I shouldn't have bit you. I'm sorry. I've just been really stressed and I haven't drank in a long time. I'm sorry" he said.

I smile up at him and say, "That felt good."

He shakes his head.

I sit up and he sits down next to me. He grabs my hand and I smile.

"What am I doing today?" I asked.

"Jamie is going to get you ready for the party" he told me.

I groan and fall back on the bed.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"No one is going to want me at the party. And I will be the only human there!" I complained.

"I'm going to want you there and so is Jamie," he said. "And the servants will be human."

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