Guess Who's Here

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No Ones P.O.V.

The Master's Battle Tournament is only a few days away. The League agreed to have the competition at the Indigo Plateau. Gym leaders, Elite Four, and Regional champions from all over the world have come to compete in this. A few lucky trainers are also here to become the best Pokémon trainer ever. All they need to do is head to the Big Pokémon center and register there. That's where our character is heading.

Ash P.O.V.

The ride from Lavender Town to Indigo Plateau wasn't very long. As I'm walking, I notice many familiar faces since I did battle them years ago and I also notice that they're not here so it's good so far. I found parking so I stop the car and got out. Once I locked the car, I headed to the Pokémon center. As I'm walking, I see many people are staring at me wondering who that it. I pretty much just ignored them and finally made it and now talking to Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy: "Welcome to the Pokémon center, How can I help you?"

Ash: "I'm here to register for the Tournament."

Nurse Joy: "Okay just show me your pokedex and Invitation."

After she said that, I gave them both to her. In just a minute, she was wide eyed and jaw-dropped. As she looked at me, I just my index finger to my lips telling her to be quiet. She just nodded slowly and shakily gave me back my dex and invite.

Nurse Joy: "Y-your all registered now. Y-you are also registered to one of the hotels here. H-head to the Giratina Hotel and they'll have your room.  J-just please be at the ceremonial ball t-tomorrow."

Ash: "Thank you." With that, I left to the center and headed to the hotel. 

It took me a few minutes to find it so I head in there. I looked to all the detail it has. The wall was Dark purple and Gold. There was many paintings of legendary pokemon and Big Painting of Giratina. I then looked to the receptionist and talked to her.

Receptionist: "Welcome to the Giratina Hotel, How can I help you?"

Ash: "I have a room reserved."

Receptionist: "All right just please give me your name."

Ash: "Ash Phantom." Just like nurse joy, she also froze in shock.

Receptionist: "Y-yes you have been reserved to the penthouse. H-here's  your keys. H-have a nice day."

After I thanked her, I headed to the elevator and push the button to the penthouse. Once I made it there, I looked to see that there's a huge screen TV, a nice Hot tub, a beautiful kitchen, a king size bed, and finally a nightstand. I also look up to the ceiling  and see that it's really high so there's plenty of room here.

Ash: "Alright come out guys." *Release my Pokémon's*

After I released them, they all went to do their separate things. Many went to the Tv and a few went to continue playing poker. When a few minutes have passed, my door began to knock. When I opened the door, I see Scott and Charles.

Goodshow: "Hello there Ash."

Ash: "Mr. Goodshow. Scott. Come in." They went inside and I showed them to the kitchen to sit down.

Scott: "It's good to see you again Ash."

Ash: "Likewise, so how can I help you two?"

Charles: "We just want to know if your coming to the Ceremonial Ball, tomorrow Night?"

Ash: "I might as well since I do need a break from all the work I been doing."

Scott: "That's good, remember that all the contestants are going to be there including the traitors so be prepared for that."

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