Ending A

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Years later

At the Casino

It's been a few years, after Ash won the Master's Battle Tournament. Before he left the Indigo Plateau, he decided to give it a chance at battling the leagues. After he left, he decided to confront this with his pokemon. Some were decling since they prove that they're the strongest while some still want to battle since the Master's tournament wasn't much of a challenge. It was put into a vote and those who want to battle won. Unfortunately, since his badges are ten years old, he had to go battle the gym leaders of each region again, which he drank a whole bottle of whiskey once he found this issue.

Before he began his little journey, he decided to stay at his casino with his pokemon since they deserved a break. It lasted for a few months since all competitors were all tired from the tournament. His vacation before his small and quick journey, was interrupted. By who you ask? Most of the woman who were competitors for the tournament. Which means the female gym leaders, elite fours, and champions. Along with the woman of the Hoenn's battle frontier such as Anabel, Lucy, and Greta. He met them when they decided to come to his casino to hangout. All of the women asked him on a date, which he accept since he wasn't doing anything. How did he described it with three words.

Thirsty ass womans.

It's a mystery how he's handling's at least 30 women. Here's the women in order. Erika, Janine, Sabrina, Whitney, Jasmine, Clair, Roxanne, Flannery, Winona, Maylene, Fantina, Candice, Elesa, Skyla, Roxie, Viola, Korrina, Valerie, Anabel, Lucy, Greta, Lorelei, Karen, Phoebe, Glacia, Shauntal, Caitlin, Malva, Cynthia, and Diantha. He somehow in a relationship with all of them. How does he manage it, he doesn't have a fuckin clue but it involves cigars and liquor. There's also another woman who's now an important part of his life. 

That woman is Lenora. She now lives with him at the casino. When he told her that he will accept her as a mother, she gave him a big tight hug with a few tears coming out. The reason she lives with him though, is because of one person. Her Ex-husband Hawes. Apparently when Lenora was in the tournament, he was with other women. When she found out, she went crying to the first person she think of, which was Ash. When he found out, he went to Nacrene City and found him with another women walking around without a care of the world. How did Ash handle this. By his hands around his throat and a beatdown. After the beat down, he threatened saying if he's anywhere near Lenora again, he'll kill him. The women he was with was also threatened by Ash. Quick words from him was that he called her some dumb hussy since she's out with a sack of shit like Hawes. After that he went back to the casino, leaving a broken man and a crying women. Once Lenora found out what happen, she gave Ash a crying hug as he told her she could stay with him as long she wants. Ash wants to make sure she's happy so he gave her unlimited access to everything. She could ask for anything and he'll give it to them. Money for investing at her Nacrene Museum. Clothes from the finest shops. Food from the finest restaurant. Anything she wants. She's very grateful.

Now what's he doing. The usual. Sitting behind his desk, doing his paperwork while smoking a cigar and drinking a cup of bourbon. He has another month till he heads to his little journey in Unova. By little journey, he means taking a car to each city, wins a gym battle, then head back to the casino once he beat all gym leaders. It should only take a week. 

Ash: "I can't believe that that it takes me a fucking year till I head to the next region. Did they listen to me that I won the master's tournament and I don't have to battle the league. No. 'You're not register Ash.' 'Those badges are ten years old Ash.' 'Prove you're a champion by battling all the leagues again.' "One week of battling then I wait for 10 months till the league starts." 

?????: "You know those are the rules Ash." said a women wearing a beautiful and expensive dress.

Ash: *sighs* "I'm aware Lenora. It's just that years ago, I won the most challenging and powerful tournament in the world and the day I left to go back to the casino, I been told that it doesn't really count."

Lenora: *chuckles* "Well don't worry Ash. Just three more leagues and you'll be legally call the Masters." She said in a sweet voice.

Ash: "Four more leagues actually. Apparently, there's a new region that's making the public. The Galar region."

Lenora: "I heard about that. They're a small region, but they have strong trainers and make everything a very big deal. From Gym leaders, to battles call the Champion's Cup."

Ash: "Perhaps I spend a month or two traveling around the region so I could get a good aspect of it. You can come along with me."

Lenora: "That's fine with me."

Ash: "Just please don't tell any of the ladies or else I might have to spend a fortune for them."

Lenora: "Come now dear, it won't be that bad,"

Ash: "I'm dating 30 women at the same time."

Lenora: "... You should think about cutting some corners then." She said in a innocent tone while Ash slams his head on his desk.

Ash: "Well I have time to think about it since the Galar region are setting up their system."

Lenora: "Good idea, just focus on the Unova league. Don't think I'll go easy on you just because your my surrogate child."

Ash: "I wouldn't have it any other way."

?????: "ASH! Is it true that we're going to the Galar region?" Said Korrina.

Ash: "Well I-"

Karen: "Oh my Arceus, we have to pack our things!" Said Karen.

Ash: "Wait I-"

Elesa: "Imagine all of the shopping we're going to do!" said Elesa.

Ash: "But I-"

Cynthia: "Thank you Ashy! You're the best!"

 She said as all thirty girls gave him a kiss as Lenora watches with amusement and a little bit of ire. Call it, mother instincts.

The pokemon master will soon begin his 'new' pokemon journey across the new region, searching far and wide. Guess a little kid searching for adventure is still inside him. Along his side are his ghost and legendary pokemon, his new and better mother in all but blood, and his 30 girlfriends who will eventually marry him. In a few days, depending on their mood. The world will now see a champion that will keep his title for a long time. Being betrayed was the best thing that ever happen to him. Mr. Phantom has taken the world by a dark storm. 

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