The After Math

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It's the next day after the championship battle between Ash and Alder. Ash is packing his things as he's getting ready to return to the casino. People all assume that he was happy that he won the tournament, but they're wrong. Dead wrong. To him, it was nothing more than a gym battle. As he's packing his suits away, he get's a call. 

Ash: "Who the hell is calling me this time?" He said annoyed. "Hello?" He answered.

Lance: "Ash, Lance."

Ash: "What is it now, I'm busy packing my things?"

Lance: "We need to talk."

Ash: "... well?" He said agitated.

Lance: "Not here. Come to the conference room. Mr. Goodshow will be there too."

Ash: "Fine." He then hanged up.

After packing his last suit, he told his pokemon that he'll be right back and left his room. On his way there, people are cheering for him. They gave him compliments and gifts. As much as this annoys him a bit, he decided not to be rude and put on a fake cheerful smile. Once the people were out of his way, he went to his neutral mood and use his powers to put away the gifts he received. After walking for another few minutes, he made to the conference room. As he went inside, he sees all the other competitors such as gym leaders, elite fours, champions, Mr. Goodshow, and the other regional professors.

Ash: "Why is everyone here?"

Lance: "Ash, we wanted to talk about your victory."

Ash: "What about it?"

Mr. Goodshow: "Well my boy, anyone who have won something especially as big as this tournament, would have show some sort of emotion. However, we all saw that you had a neutral face. Why is that?"

Ash: *sighs deeply* "I'm going to be very honest with you all. This so call "Master battle Tournament" was nothing more than a joke to me."

All: 'What?!' They all thought, 

Steven: "What do you mean by that?"

Ash: "To be honest everyone, I wasn't planning on competing in the tournament. It wasn't until Mr. Goodshow informed me that the people who betrayed me, were also competing. This was my chance to get my revenge by humiliating them in front of the whole world and ruin their FUCKIN lives. But, it wasn't until I defeat them in a battle that I realized that it was a waste."

Pryce: "I thought defeating them would have made everything even between you all."

Ash: "Not by a fuckin long shot."

Alder: "So, now what are you going to do?"

Ash: "I'm heading back to my casino. I wasted a damn month and I don't want to waste another one just for a tournament."

Siebold: "Meaning?"

Ash: "I'm not going to battle anymore." It was all silent after that.

Ash is thinking about quitting pokemon battling. That is something they never expected to hear in their lives. Lance is now trying to convince him to reconsider his options.

Lance: "Ash listen, I know that it isn't enough satisfaction of defeating those who betrayed you, but quit battling is something that's not you."

Ash: "It's my decision until I say otherwise."

Steven: "But don't you want to compete in the regional leagues. You are the Pokémon Master, and you need to back that title with your skills."

Ash: "If they want to battle me for the title, they know where to find me."

Diantha: "What about credibility, it not's very fair for someone who competed in one tournament to obtain the title as Pokémon Master, while others spent years training with blood, sweat, and tears."

Ash: *Eye narrows a bit* "You make it sound like if I cheated my way to victory." He said as Diantha widen her eyes in realization.

Diantha; "N-no I didn't mean it like that." 'Damn it Diantha, your ruining your chance with him!' She screamed in her mind.

Cynthia: "What she means Ash, is that only the strongest trainers were in this tournament. Since you were 'missing' all these years, you weren't registered as an official trainer."

Ash: "So you're saying I sneaked my way into the tournament, even though I was INVITED to participate."

Cynthia: "N-no I meant that even though you won the tournament, y-you still need to win the regional leagues." 'Cynthia, shut up or else he won't make love to us!' She also screamed.

Ash: "...I guess you do have a point about that. But what's the point. I have defeated some gym leaders, elite fours, and champions in this tournament."

Goodshow: "Well yes my boy, but unless your a 'registered' trainer, these victories aren't legible."

Ash: *fists clenches under the table* "So I DID wasted my time."

Elesa: "Well Ash, it might seem it that way, but there are some positives." 'Okay, say your things carefully Elesa, so he won't be mad at you.'

Ash: "Oh, then please explain the positives my dear Elesa."

Elesa: *blushes a bit* "W-well even though your revenge wasn't much, it is progress since you have been waiting for years. If you didn't participated, then you could have waited longer for your revenge. Plus with you beating them, those that were gym leaders were removed, the coordinators and performers were banned from ever competing and those men that tried to assault you are now imprisoned."

Ash: "Hm, I guess you have a point." He said as Elesa was sighing in relief.

Lance: "Look Ash, we decided to have you registered to compete in the regional leagues, so that if you want to compete, you can with this license."

Ash: "Why?"

Koga: "What do you mean why?"

Ash: "I mean why should I take this license to compete, if the entire world has seen me win the tournament. I won the title, the trophy, and the prize money. What more could I possibly want?"

All were quiet as they're thinking of ways to change his mind. Their thoughts were interrupted as Ash got up.

Ash: "Well, I best be going now. Still have things to pack and a casino to run. Goodbye everyone."

Lance: "Before you go, here." Lance threw the license to Ash, who caught it in one hand* "Just in case you change your mind." Ash nodded and left.

Once the doors were close, Ash began walking to the exit with choices in his mind. Should he continue to battle to prove a point or return to his regular life of being a rich man with his pokemon by his side. Ash then stopped walking as he holds the license in his hand. In front of him was the door (Ending A) and he looked to his right and sees a trash can (Ending B). He then began to make a choice. 






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