The Flash Back

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Last time on The Spirit Champion

Brock: *clenches fist* "You should care you weak trainer. You don't belong here."

Ash: "I should tell you the same thing."

Ash: "Now I suggest you get out of here before you join your father in the afterlife."

Lorelei: "Oh him, please do us all women a favor and beat him."

Brock: "How do you know about what happen to my father?"

Ash: "... Well let's see then. It happen about a few months ago."


Flash Back Months ago

Ash P.O.V.

I'm here in my office doing some work until my managers informed me in the intercom. Now my managers are some old 'acquaintances', who came along with me during my travels. I found them after I killed Giovanni. 

?????: *Intercom* "Boss, you have another challenger."

?????: *Intercom* "This time it's the father of one of the traitors."

?????: *Intercom* "Meowth, that's right boss, he lost a whole of money and want's it back."

Ash: *Intercom* "Got it thank you, Jessie, James, and Meowth. I'm on my way."

JJM: "You're welcome boss."

I quickly finish my work, then got up and headed to the battlefield with my pokeballs on my hand. This kind of thing always happen. Whenever some dumbass bets all of his money, complains that the games are rigged, and wants to talk to the owner demanding to get it's money back. This is actually the 15th time this happen. Oh well, at least I found another victim. After a few minutes, I finally made it to the field, and see his father.

?????: "You?! You're the owner of this place."

Ash: " Hello there Flint, been a while. Yes, I'm the owner and I know you're here for your money."

Flint: "That's right! All of these games are rigged, I lost all of my money and I want it back."

Ash: "That's not going to happen. It's your fault for spending it all instead of knowing when to stop like a fuckin retard."

Flint: *Growls then smirks* "How about a Pokemon battle? If I win, You'll return all of my money and I get to come here and play for free."

Ash: "And if I win?"

Flint: "I'll give you half of the amount to the Pewter City Gym makes every month and I don't come back here forever."

Ash: 'Knowing him, he probably thinks that I'm a weak trainer and If I win, he'll might try something.' "Very Well then. We agreed on the bet's, so let's begin. This will be a three on three match. The winner will be decided when one trainer's pokemon aren't able to battle. Let's send out our first pokemon."

Flint: "Go Rhyperior." Out came a regular Rhyperior.

Ash: "End this Frillish." Out came my female pink Frillish.

Flint: "Rhyhorn run and use MegaHorn." Rhyhorn horn was glowing then it ran at my Frillish.

Ash: "Finish this quickly with Hydro Pump." Frillish sent out a huge amounts of water and it hit directly at Rhyperior, causing it to faint. "Rhyperior is unable to battle. Send out your next pokemon."

Flint: *Returns Rhyperior* "You got lucky there, but not anymore. Go Golem." Out came a fully evolved Golem.

Ash: "Begin."

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