36 - Anything you say, Logan.

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Watching Logan in a bathing suit all day—a one piece, lipstick red bathing suit with large, strategic cutouts all over it exposing more of her glorious skin—while she kept her distance from me after having let herself appear too vulnerable for her liking last night, was one of the most painful forms of suffering imaginable. My balls might actually have turned blue. If I were bold enough to pull my board shorts down in front of everyone I could check how much damage that specific piece of material had done on them.

Everyone was hanging out on the beach as the sun went down around 9:00 p.m., the late sunset courtesy of our daylight savings time zone. I, myself, was lounging around with the boys on my stomach a very deliberate distance away from where Logan was sitting with the other girls, uncomfortably trying to disguise the erection that has remained present all day thanks to Logan and her tantalising red bathing suit.

I'd stopped looking at her a while ago to try to finally soften it enough to get up and go get dressed, which meant I'd missed a group of guys walking up to sit next to her, who were quite obviously flirting with her and her girlfriends who she'd surrounded herself with most of the day. Now that I did see all this, it was all I could look at, my dick finally giving me a break by flooding my brain with blood and jealousy at seeing Logan being adored by guys who weren't me.

She deserved it. All the adoration in the whole world. But I wanted to be the one to give it to her. She barely let me do that, but seemed to have no issue with letting these guys—one guy in particular sitting right next to her, shirtless, and pretty decent looking—showering her with attention.

I got up and walked off in a huff to our tents, grabbing my things to go shower, not realising that I had been followed.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I'm going to shower and get changed," I said, grabbing my shampoo and hairbrush out of my tent and moving towards the direction of the shower block, but Logan stepped in front of me to block my path so suddenly I almost crashed into her practically naked body.

"What's wrong, Jet?" she said, extending her palm out in the centre of my chest to push me back and keep me from walking on.

"Nothing is wrong, Logan." Besides you allowing someone to blatantly flirt with you right in front of me . . .

"They why do I have Byron telling me that there is?"

Love the guy, but I didn't need his help here.

"You seriously think I wouldn't have an issue with some dude hitting on you?"

"Why would you? We're not even togeth—" Not a chance in hell I'm letting her finish this sentence.

"You are not fooling anyone, Logan," I sighed, frustrated. "Everyone knows we're together. Everyone except that fucking dickhead, and you apparently."

"Jet . . ." she started, but I side-stepped her and walked on. All the happiness I felt waking up with her this morning had vanished, replaced with all the confusion and frustration that comes with being in love with a girl like Logan.

I spent the majority of the rest of the evening playing Poker with Ryder, Jasper, Kirra and Byron around the campfire, Jasper having brought a deck of cards and his desire to lose all this money to me. Byron turned out to be even worse than he was, though that might have been more due to being distracted by a miserable Logan all evening, sitting silently beside Celeste and her other friends who were having a few drinks and talking on the opposite side of the fire.

I hated seeing Logan so sad, and I wanted to go hug her and kiss her and tell her I was sorry, and that I shouldn't have taken issue with that guy flirting with her because she was right—we weren't officially or exclusively together and she can do whatever she wants with whomever she wants. She's a free, single, beautiful woman and it's not my place to take issue with other people wanting her.

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