42 - Mum.

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Dad cried as he held both Madden and I in his arms after we raced over to him.

He hadn't said anything about Sadie and the babies yet.

He hadn't said anything other than our names.

And I immediately assumed the worst, which made his embrace as distressing as it was soothing.

"She's okay, boys," he finally said, sighing away all the tension he had been carrying. "They think the twins will be okay, too."

I pushed away from him to get a better look at his face, to see him confirm that it was true—that Sadie and her babies were okay. When he smiled softly at me, I finally broke down, collapsing onto my knees again on the abrasive concrete floor outside and holding my head in my hands as I wept tears of relief and joy, completely inconsolable.

Dad tried to pull me upright but I'd become a deadweight, so overcome with emotion that I couldn't be moved even with all his strength. Instead, he knelt in front of me, holding Madden to his side as they both watched me carefully. "Jetty, this isn't your fault." I just cried harder. "Jet, look at me."

He was sterner now, using his dad voice to coax me out of my overwhelming shame and relief, and I let him guide my head up when he reached for my chin. "This wasn't your fault, son. Don't you dare go blaming yourself for what happened."


"No, Jet. Not a chance in hell. Come here," he said, pulling me towards him and enveloping me in his arms, suffocating me with all the ferociousness of his love for me. God, I love this man.

"I'm so sorry, Dad," I said, hugging him back. "I'm so fucking sorry."

"Enough, Jetty," he said, releasing me. "We need to go back inside. I don't want her waking up without one of us there. With all the risks, they had to knock her out in order to deliver the babies by caesarean and she should be awake soon."

Shaking my head, I said, "I can't," adamant that I shouldn't be in there given everything.

"Yes, you will," Dad said, matter of fact. "Because if you aren't there, you know she'll come find you and drag you in by your ears, and she shouldn't be moving that much yet."

"I won't be going in without you, Jet," added Madden, smiling because he already knew he's won this argument. I would do anything for that kid, no questions asked.

Dad walked us inside, one arm wrapped around each of our shoulders, and we came face-to-face with everyone else, who were smiling up at us reassuringly. Tanner walked out to meet us with much more smirk than I thought this situation warranted.

"Sade's awake," he said, looking at Dad. "And she's already swearing at all the staff demanding to know where you all are and why you're not with her. You're all dead men, and it was nice knowing you," he joked, placing a reassuring hand on Dad's shoulder.

Everyone chuckled, amused by the very Sadie way she had woken up from being knocked out, cut open and stitched back together.

"Shit," chuckled Dad, thanking Tanner for the warning.

"We're all going to come back tomorrow once she's rested. The surgeon said they're not letting anyone but you three in tonight," Tanner said, shaking Dad's hand. "Congratulations, Dad," he added, hugging Dad close. "Look after my girl, tonight."

Dad laughed. "Back off, mate," he joked. "You've already got two of your own."

"So do you now," Tanner laughed right back. Two? One of Sadie's babies is a girl?

"Alright, I really need a Ruben, Jet and/or Madden Foster!" yelled a nurse, emerging through the doors next to the reception desk and looking straight at Dad. "At least one of you needs to come with me now, because she's about ready to get up and search the whole hospital for you."

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