37 - Family, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Logan.

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"I distinctly remember saying something about not having to see or hear you guys," said Byron when Logan and I emerged from her tent in the morning. He looked every bit the traumatised I imagined he and everyone else would be once we got up, failing miserably at keeping quiet last night.

I didn't think anything serious was going to happen, given I hadn't brought any condoms with me, not assuming that I'd get the chance to actually kiss Logan, let alone sleep with her. But Logan clearly had other ideas, bringing with her a whole unopened packet which we all but made our whole way through just last night.

And. I. Was. Fucked.

"And a good morning to you, too, beloved cousin!" Logan chimed cheerfully, standing behind him as he sat in his camping chair, leaning down and wrapping her arms around his neck affectionately.

"I distinctly remember you, By, warning us that Logan was off-limits," jeered Ryder sitting down next to Byron in his own chair.

"And I warned him, Ryder, that he gets no say in who I do and don't sleep with," said Logan, poking him in the arm and squeezing Byron's shoulder.

"I'm not sure I'd call what you guys did last night as sleeping with each other," laughed Ryder.

"What do you mean?" Logan looked genuinely confused.

Ryder had a point. We'd barely slept, instead opting for the have-sex-all-night option that I already preferred over my usual eight hours of shut eye.

"You're smiling, Loges," he answered her with a sly one of his own. "You're hugging people. You haven't sniped at Jet yet. And you're still smiling . . ."

"So?" She had no idea where he was going with this, but if I know my best mate, I can take a few fairly accurate guesses. And if I know my girlfriend—as she is now and forever more shall be if I get any say in the matter—she isn't about to like it one bit.

"So . . . good work, bro," he said, slapping my arm approvingly as I sat down in the chair next to him.

My involuntary chuckle at him earned me a swift glare from Logan who then found a seat as far away from me as she could. As soon as she sat down and crossed her arms, I jumped up and walked to kneel before her, unfurling her angry arms slowly and kissing the back of each of her hands. "I'm sorry, Loges. You know I didn't mean it."

Ryder laughed harder than ever. "Jesus. I take it back. Good work, Logan. You've got Jetty whipped already."

Byron joined in with Ryder as he continued to laugh loudly, slapping his hands on his knees he was going so hard and wiping tears from his eyes. "We all know that poor bastard has been whipped for months."

Logan chuckled in my hands, trying hard not to let her amusement show through. I just looked at her and shrugged because we all knew it was true, and reached up to kiss the tip of her nose as she scrunched it playfully on her beautiful face.

- - -

Logan agreed to come inside when she dropped me home later that day, at my insistence.

"I want to introduce you to my family," I argued, grabbing her hand in mine and walking her up the front steps.

"Does sex disintegrate your brain or something? I already know your family. Pretty well, too," she laughed at me.

"Recent studies would suggest that, yes, it does damage my brain and neural pathways," I retorted remembering all the times last night that she'd left me at a complete loss for words, no coherent train of thought in sight. Mostly when intimate parts of Logan were becoming intimately familiar with similar parts of me. Just the memory of it had me hard up all over again, but we were already late home because everyone had been too busy giving me shit to pack up their tents before lunch and one last surf. I'd take all their stirring a thousand times over if it means seeing my girl finally growing bold and confident in how she shows her feelings for me, and hear her giggle as she joined their teasing with her own personalised kind; the type of teasing that results in us making an obvious dash back into the tent, swim further away from the others in the water, and take a swift walk through the nearby shrubbery. The kind of teasing I absolutely like.

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