Chapter Nineteen

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Sage's POV:

This is insane! Watching how willing Sky seemed to be to pleasure this monster made me sick. I could tell from all the scars I had seen over the course of a few days I concluded she was living here out of fear. The fear of punishment and pain.

Didn't she miss her family? Her friends? Has she tried to escape yet? I must ask her when we aren't around her so called Mistress

Mistress. That foul word burned my tongue and left a horrible taste in my mouth. I flashed back to the basement, where I recalled the memory of me demanding to take her place.

I should of known she would make it a living hell for me. Oh Madison why were you so dumb to suggest walking home instead of driving.

I remembered that night like it was yesterday. The laughter, the partying, the loud music, the drinks.

The truck. The two men. The syringe. The cages.

Waking up in a cage was terrifying. I remember the man sitting in the chair, watching us. Sabrina was still asleep. Sedated he had said. And that he was surprised I had woken up so early. I begged him to let us out. He offered to, for a price I would never even think of giving.

He'd probably violate me then sell me off anyway.

I snapped back to reality as I felt Sky's warm hand on my back. I looked over at her to see her eyes were filled with worry.

And pity. And pain.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. I nodded and focused on the carpet beneath me. She quickly stopped touching me and instead moved closer to her Captor.

"Okay, so run your tongue up and down her thighs a little bit. She likes that. Make sure to keep your hands behind you back and don't touch yourself unless she allows you to" She said. With that, she stuck her tongue out and dragged it softly over her core. Maya jumped a little at the feeling. Giggling.

Just let me get this over with so she can leave me alone!

I moved alongside Sky and stuck my tongue out as well. Pressing it against her core, I began a steady rhythm in sync with Sky's. Above us, the monster groaned.

"Ahh. Just like that. Good Girl Sage holy fuck. You're a natural at this" She said, tightening her grip on my hair all of a sudden.

My name isn't Sage! It's Madison! And Sabrina's is not Elle! She may have given into you quickly just to escape your wrath but I will fight every chance I get!

I swallowed my words and continued, unaware that Sky had stopped and was watching me with a soft smile. Her death grip on my hair tightened and she rocked her hips against me. I guessed we were doing a pretty good job.

"Ah! Fuck!" She shrieked as she came. Without a word I licked as much of it as I could reach and wiped the rest off. I pulled away, surprised to find Sky smiling while leaning against her desk.

She tricked me into doing it! Sneaky girl

"Good Girl Sky. Good Girl Sage. How about a treat" The woman said. She pulled out two chocolate bars, throwing one to each of us. Sky fell on it instantly, moaning happily as she devoured her reward. I ate mine more cautiously. I peeled off the wrapper and inspected it.

Who knows what she did to it..

"Relax. It's not poisonous. Just eat it. Usually they like chocolate" She suddenly said, invading my thoughts and making me jump. I glared at her before taking a generous bite.

I had to admit, it did taste like chocolate from back home. The kind my mother used to make for me. I could see why Sky liked it so much. I polished it off quickly and that must of satisfied the woman since she gave me a smile.

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