Hold on

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*3 days later*

Keith sighed. He was sat in the infirmary on a hard uncomfortable chair placed right next the bed lance was in. After the first day lance had come out of the crypopod he passed out straight away. He'd been in the med bay for 2 days since then. And he still hadn't woke. Keith was worried sick. Allura had done scans and tests which had come back saying the babies were fine. But why wasn't lance waking up. He swore he'd kill Kyle for this. Keith's head suddenly snapped towards the bed as he heard a weak whimper. Lance's eyes were open slightly and the expression killed keith. His eyes were filled with pain and fear as Tears swirled in his vision. He looked so so pale which was worrying as the boy had tanned caramel coloured skin now he looked like a ghost. His lips were tinted blue-purple and dark shadows resides under his eyes. "K-keith?..." Keith broke out of his trance at the meek voice whispered his name. "I'm here sweetheart..."
Lance sobbed "it hurts....so...much..." "I'll ask Allura for something to help with the pain..." lance weakly grasped his hand. "D-dont...weave..me...Pwease...." lance begged as he started slipping into omega space. Keith caressed his cheek soothingly. "I won't I promise" lance relaxed at the feeling of Keith's calloused hand rub against his skin and let the alphas scent wash over him lulling him into a trance. Keith kissed his head before slipping out the room to find the princess. He found her talking with coran in the main control room. "Oh hello keith do you need something?" She questioned seeing his worried look. "Um yeah actually...is there any pain medication we can give lance that won't harm the babies? He just woke up and he's in agony..." the princess smiled sadly "I'll see what I can find just wait here" she exited the room and came back in a few minutes with a bottle of purple pills. "Break one of these into a glass of water , let it dissolve then get him to drink it. It will ease the pain for awhile. Pregnant alteans often used them for cramps so their safe." Keith took them and thanked her. He waved to the two alteans before hurrying back to lance not wanting to leave him too long. When he returned lance was rubbing his stomach tearfully , he glanced up at keith. "The b-baby..." his tone help question and fear. It was obvious what he was trying to ask. "Their okay don't worry..." Keith replied softly. "I got you something for the pain. It's safe to use while pregnant too" he added on. He broke one of the pills up into a glass of water and helping lance sit up got him to drink the purple liquid. Lance pulled a face at the bitterness of the liquid but knew it was going to help so he continued drinking it anyway. Keith laid him back down kissing his nose. "Get some more sleep kitten your exhausted" he murmured softly. The deep sultry voice lulling Lance into a deep slumber. Keith ran his hand through lance's silky mocha locks until the door opened. Shiro and the others came in. "He woke up?" Shiro asked brightly. Keith nodded. "He just fell asleep again. He's exhausted." Keith glared warily at Kyle daring him to come any closer. Kyle swallowed thickly. Man the dude was scary when he was pissed. He'd have to be careful in how he went about with his plan from now on. Shiro smiled oblivious to the staring contest between two alphas. "That's great. I'm glad he's doing better." Keith nodded. Shiro was about to continue when the Klaxon alarms went off. Hunk and pidge groaned and shiro bit his lip. "Keith...I know u want to stay with lance but we need all hands on deck..." Keith took a deep breath. "Fine...but if anything happens to my mate and pups while I'm gone I will rip your head off...." shiro gulped. Keith was really terrifying when he was aggravated. He nodded solemnly as he ran out with the team behind him and coran went to the control room. Leaving Matt and Kyle alone with lance...
Lance hummed in his sleep as he felt a hand caress his cheek. He subconsciously leaned closer. "Mmmf...Keith.." he nuzzled the hand till the scent hit him. Cherry and syrup...not cinnamon and apple....then a voice spoke. "Hello there lancey~" lance froze his eyes flying open. "KYLE!" He weakly tried to push himself away. Kyle chuckled tracing his fingers down to lance's exposed collarbone. Matt wasn't in the room. The others were on a mission. Coran was in the control room. Lance was alone. Alone with a monster that stole his innocence. Kyle smirked leaning closer his hand cupping the back of lance's head forcing the omega closer. He slammed his lips roughly onto lance's. Lance struggled but with his limited energy it was fruitless. Kyle forced his tongue into lance's mouth. Tears streamed down the Cubans face. He felt violated. Kyle's hand snaked down to lance's ass squeezing it causing the omega to gasp. With a sudden burst of adrenaline lance managed to roughly shove Kyle away and with shaky steps ran out the room. Kyle chased after him like a wolf chasing its prey...lance was his prey. Lance pleaded for keith to come back. He was so so scared. Kyle caught up to lance who was struggling to breath. He threw lance to the floor and straddled him pinning the poor boys wrists to the floor. Lance sobbed as he looked up at Kyle. "Stop...Pwease...don't do this too me...Kyle DoNT!" His voice rose in panic as Kyle ducked his head ready to bite lance. Suddenly Kyle was thrown off lance by a punch to the jaw. There stood Keith in his galra form , teeth bared , eyes glowing yellow and angry growls emitting from his throat. He stood over lance in a protective stance. No one touched his Mate and pups. Kyle wiped blood from his mouth and charged at keith who simple caught Kyle's arm and flipped him to the ground. Winded Kyle struggled on the floor as keith clocked him over the head knocking him out. Keith returned to his human state and scooped lance into his arms.
"You okay?" Lance buried his face into Keith's neck taking in his scent. "I am now...where are the others?" "They stayed for the debriefing of the mission...I wanted to come see you...and I'm glad I did..." he carried lance back to their room as the boy didn't want to go back to the med bay. Keith changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants before curling up round lance who started purring. Keith looked at the purring omega fondly before kissing his head. "Kyle...you'll pay..."
A/n: helloooo I'm baaaack! Here's another chapter I'm sorry it's so short I've been sick and there's been a lot going on so I haven't had much time to update. But guyssss thank youuu 37k reads? Omg I love you guys , and not just that but my fanfic is on google? I never thought I'd see the day. It's all thanks to you my lovely kittens! I'm so grateful!

 It's all thanks to you my lovely kittens! I'm so grateful!

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I love you all so muuuuch! Goodbye my lovely kittens~ 🐱💙🖤

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I love you all so muuuuch!
Goodbye my lovely kittens~ 🐱💙🖤

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