Revenge pt 3 - Revenge Finale (NSFW)

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The last two days had been rough on everyone. Danni was still lethargic and weakened. Shiro was still having break downs , lance was completely exhausted to the point he could hardly sit up on his own. Keith has trained till he passed out. Hunk couldn't even find comfort in cooking , pidge and matt were mindlessly building random trinkets to keep themselves occupied. Adam had started mumbling in his sleep. Coran had cleaned the castle over fifty times , Allura was talking in her sleep , and Ruma and Drexen were stuck in the middle observing everything and wishing they could do something to help. So while everyone was sleeping to recover they came up with a plan while watching over the pups. "Maybe we should try to track down whoever is responsible for this? I mean the others are injured so we should help them out to repay them for saving us." Ruma broached the subject carefully. Drexen nodded in agreement. "Good idea Ru , when they wake up we'll go search for this Quiznacking tyrant.." Ruma nodded and snuggled up to him watching the pups sleep. "We should have kids." He said out loud , his face deadly serious. Drexen spat out his Nunvill as he chocked. "Um...that was random..." he tried to laugh it off , Ruma's ears dropped dejectedly and he whimpered his eyes filling with tears. Drexen rushed to comfort him. "No no Baby it's not that I don't want have kids with you it's just we're in a space war I don't think nows the best time...when everything's settled down I promise we'll start a family." He assured him. Ruma sniffled rubbing his eyes. "Owkay...." He was still visibly upset about it and Drexen started to feel guilty. He'd have to make it up to him later....
Lance blinked as he woke up. At first he was dazed and confused but then everything that happened flooded into his mind giving him a migraine that made tears prick the corners of his eyes and his body tremble. A deep voice cut in shushing him gently. He managed to tilt his head up to see Keith's face. There was a bruising stretching from his eyebrow to under his eye , miraculously avoiding his actual eye. A battle scar from pushing himself to the brink in the training room. He was groggy and he still looked sleep deprived despite the fact they'd all slept half the day. Lance shakily reached his hand up and brushed it over the bruise on Keith's face. "Poor baby..." he pouted. Keith chuckled softly. "Your the baby not me~ I'm daddy~" he smirked whispering the last part into Lance's ear. Lance went red and Adam coughed. "I swear your always horny Keith." He huffed slightly lifting his head of Shiro's chest. "Welcome to my world." Lance whined. Keith sulked. "Not my fault the last three times we've tried to fuck things have cropped up..." "ew I don't want to know about my little brothers sex life" Danni made gagging noises. The others had started to wake up now. Lance ignored him lifting his head up to kiss Keith's lips. "Well I can't really move much but we could try? Ruma and Drexen are looking after the kids sooo..." Keith raised an eyebrow. "But aren't you in pain?" Lance shook his head lightly. "My body's kinda gone numb..." Keith frowned. "But then you won't feel any pleasure..." "no but you will , besides I might still be able to feel that...." Keith bit his lip thinking about it. "I don't know..." "we'll it's either that or you'll have to wait until i can move~ and who knows how long that'll take." Keith picked lance up and carried him out of the room. His instincts taking over. He needed this.

Keith growled pinning lance to the bed causing a soft squeak to leave the omega's lips. He gazed up at keith his expression dripping with lust. Keith slid off Lance's shorts and the lacey royal blue panties he wore underneath till lance was in nothing but the oversized black sweatshirt he'd slept in. He found it attractive when lance was only wearing a sweatshirt while they had sex. It was both adorable and erotic. Lance whined needily , slick dripping down his thighs. Keith wrapped lance's legs around his waist after tugging off his jeans , boxers and shirt. Lance clung to him as Keith entered him. He moaned and soft pants of air left his lips as he buried his face in Keith's shoulder. He definitely felt that. Keith panted And growled. He leaned close to Lances ear and whispering huskily. "Mine..." that one word was enough to make Lance turn into a blushing mess. "All yours..." he whispered back a seductive purr tinting his voice. Keith was a sucker for it. He kissed lance passionately as he bucked his hips , making lance claw at his back. His tongue danced over lance's , he nibbled on Lances bottom lip with his fangs , his hands roamed all over lance's tanned skin. He pinched , bit and sucked it , leaving his mark. Lance was a moaning , quivering mess as he tugged on Keith's hair and begged for more. Keith was thrusting his hips at an animalistic , borderline Inhuman pace. He hit Lances sweet spot every time. Lance trembled , Keith's name rolled off his tongue desperately. "Ahn...k-keith please....Keith! Please...ah....Alpha..." Keith's pupils narrowed to slits and he pounded into lance erratically losing his rhythm. Needy whines and growls spilled from his mouth and lance was reduced to mewling and whimpering. Lance's thighs were tremoring and Keith knew he was close. After a few more languid thrusts they both hit their climax. Keith sank his fangs into the mating mark on Lance's neck. Lance whimpered softly and snuggled into Keith's chest when the alpha released his hold on his neck. Keith pulled out when his knot had deflated and laid lance down covering him with ten quilt. Lance rubbed his with his sleeve and yawned. "Rest baby , I'm going to check on shiro then I'm coming back okay?" Lance nodded softly. He had no reason to doubt keith could back. Keith pulled one some sweatpants and left the room not bothering with a shirt. Lance let his eyes close and he was out like a light in a matter of seconds. After a few minutes he heard footsteps. He groggily raised his head and whined out Keith's name however the man who walked in was not Keith. And it wasn't someone he wanted to see ever again. Kyle. "Y-You....You've been behind everyone getting nearly killed my brother!" Lance screamed at Kyle as he grabbed Keith's blade from under their pillow and held it in front of him. There was a hiss as Spook ran into the room attacking Kyle. She slashed his face with her claws and somehow spat fire at him. Well Allura did mention she was magic... Kyle growled and kicked her harshly. She crumpled to the floor. Lance charged at Kyle with full intent to stab him but he'd just been fucked senseless...and walking was an issue as it was so he ended up falling over. Kyle smashed his head on the floor and lance was knocked out instantaneously. He carried Lance out of the room and quickly came back after a few putting what looked like lance back in the bed. Lance wasn't moving and he wasn't breathing. A stab wound to his stomach oozed blood and his tanned skin was drained of colour. Kyle grinned wickedly. "If i cant have you no one can~ you should of learn that by now...sad you had to go this way. You were so beautiful too and so easy to manipulate...oh well plenty of fish in the sea I suppose. I'll find another slut to play with." He sighed and left the room. Lance's eyes were wide open in a petrified glaze. No pulse. No heart beat. Cold as ice. Spook was still unconscious on the ground in a small ball. Weak raspy breaths shook her tiny form. Kyle's master plan.

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