Revenge pt 2

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Everyone was still gathered in the infirmary , lance was singing softly in Spanish , some sort of Spanish lullaby. Danni had come round a little , he was very dazed and weak. His eyes were open a fraction as he listened to lance sing the lullaby their mother would sing to them. Matt was holding Danni's hand tightly rubbing his knuckles. Lance was gently stroking his hair. Pidge , coran , and shiro were making Danni a replacement arm , using Shiro's arm as the base structure. But with Altean tech. (Not the floating one Cos that looks kinda weird no offence shiro)  hunk brought in some food , which lance and matt had to help Danni eat. Keith and Adam were staring at the blood bag , watching the blood drip through a tube into Danni's wrist one drop at a time. They both had one thing on their mind. Who did this? And they had a sneaking suspicion of who. Their was a the sound of someone in agony and it wasn't coming from Danni , but from shiro , he was pinning his metal arm to the table by the wrist as it writhed and glowed , it was malfunctioning and it was causing him a lot of pain. He yelled and winced. Adam ran over to him and rubbed his back. "Kashi are you alright...? Shiro panted weakly before nodding his head. "Y-Yeah I'm fine don't wo-AcK!" He was cut off with another yelp of pain. He hissed gripping it tighter. He suddenly fell of his chair convulsing as he has a seizure. Adam cried as he quickly asked for a pillow putting it under Shiro's head and placing him in the recovery position. "K-Kashi..." he whimpered , watching as the convulsions finally stopped. Shiro opened his eyes weakly. "A-Adam...?" He croaked out. "Shh I'm do you feel..." he asked gently squeezing Shiro's hand. "My head hurts...." he whispered , coughing a little. Adam petted his hair and between him and hunk they managed to get shiro up and into a bed. "You don't need his for anything else right?" Pidge shook her head. "We've got all the schematics. Once we build and attach the arm to Danni we'll de-bug Shiro's arm and find out why it frazzled out like that." Adam nodded turning back to shiro. "Rest. No ifs or buts. You are to stay in this bed and rest , the only job your permitted to do is look after the pups." He ordered as Drexen brought a crying , wriggling ash over who was very upset about seeing his daddy in pain. Shiro saluted Adam before taking ash and laying him on his chest. "Yes sir~" he chuckled. Phoenix and Nico whined wanting to cuddles of shiro too. "Space uncle shiro~" pidge giggled. "Actually I don't think I can be their uncle....Ash is very possessive over nico , I think their gonna end up dating , so it would be weird if I was their uncle. "Well your just figuratively their uncle so it doesn't really matter , we are one big confusing crazy space family~" Lance giggled kissing Danni's head. "Well I suppose of you put it that way it isn't so bad." He laughed softly watching the pups. Ash had his chubby little arms around Nico's waist and Phoenix was pouting about having her brother stolen from her as she cuddled Shiro's side. "I see what you mean about Ash taking a liking to Nico." Lance smiled softly. "I think they'd be a cute couple~ and they'd have adorable little babies." He giggled before turning his attention back to Danni who was starting to perk up a bit and had regained some colour in his face as well as some energy. He slowly managed to sit up with some help from lance and Matt. He relaxed against the pillows in a half laid , half sat position. Everyone went off to do their own things now that Danni was mostly out of the woods. Matt crawled onto the bed and fell asleep with his head on Danni's leg , curled up like a kitten. Danni smiled and started to pet his hair with his remaining hand. Lance gently kissed his head before getting up and taking Nico and Phoenix who needed feeding. Keith sat with Lance while he fed the twins and held him close. What had happened to Danni has taken a toll on Lance's mental health and as a result his physical health too. He hadn't eaten , or drank anything since that morning and he looked weak and and tired. In the end Hunk dragged lance out of the room after he'd finished feeding the pups and made him go eat and drink something. Adam was taking care of shiro while secretly trying to figure out who the culprit was. Keith was playing with Phoenix and Nico. "Nixie don't eat the bed sheets baby girl , that's not feed , Nico no you'll fall off the bed!" He yelled freaking out as Nico nearly crawled off the edge of the bed and Phoenix choked on the bed sheets trying to eat them. He picked them both up but they wriggled desperately. "How is lance so good at thisss?" Danni smiled softly. "We have a lot of young cousins and lance always babysat them , I don't understand the appeal of crying , vomiting babies , but he enjoyed looking after them , I suppose it's an omega thing?" He pondered. "Probably " Keith agreed. Hunk came back with lance who looked dejected about being forced to eat. Adam made up an excuse to leave the room before heading to the room where they'd found Danni. He started to examine the crime scene with some latex gloves he'd found in the med bay. He was in the middle of looking for any sort of clue that could help him when he found something. A bottle of chloroform. He looked to the cloth on the ground and picked it up. He decided it was best not to smell it in case the chloroform was still strong enough to make him pass out but he came to the conclusion that whoever did this used the chloroform to make Danni pass out , there was no way they managed to take Danni down using force alone , the guy was a brute , in a good way , they would of had to of weakened him. He'd have to get pidge or Matt to analyse it for finger prints. He continued looking around the room for more clues. He took a sample from every single blood splatter in case one of them wasn't Danni's blood but the culprits , Danni had definitely put up a struggle , the alphas wrists had been rubbed rough from the cuffs where he'd thrashed against them. He examined the blindfold on the floor , it was just a scrap of material like the gag , it looked like it came from the sleeve of a shirt. He put the clues in some zip lock bags he'd picked up at the space mall , he'd mostly got them to put snacks in because he and shiro often took trips out with Ash and they needed to bring snacks. He was about to continue his search when he heard a scream. He bolted out of the room and to the med bay to see a sight he never in his wildest dreams thought he'd see. Matt was on the floor clutching his bleeding head. Hunk was cowering under a bed crying , Danni was in his bed watching frozen in horror , Allura unconscious on the floor. She'd been in the middle of fitting Danni's new arm that pidge was now holding , the young beta was crying while staring at her brother. Lance was curled in a ball on the floor screaming and begging. And Keith was trying to hold back the culprit of it all....shiro....his eyes were glowing glowing yellow , he broke out of Keith's grip and pinned lance down on the ground , his fist around the omega's neck. Adam sobbed and grabbed his arm. "Takashi what are you doing!" He tried to tug shiro away from lance but shiro just turned around and fixed him with a disgusted look before slapping him harshly with his metal arm. Adam whimpered as he crumples to the floor clutching his cheek. His fiancé just struck him. He looked up at Shiro through tear filled eyes and stared at those yellow eyes that seemed almost void of emotion except hate...but on close inspection he was crying. Adam rubbed his eyes to make sure it wasn't his tears. But it wasn't....shiro was crying....he must be being controlled or something. Like lance had been controlled that time by Kyle... he tried to reach out to Shiro again. "Kashi p-please...this isn't you.." Shiro growled at him and kicked him roughly in the stomach. And gasped and gagged. Everyone was terrified at what has become of their leader. Lance sobbed as shiro picked him up by the neck and slammed him back into the floor. Lance instantly reverted back to the temperament he had around Kyle. "A-Alpha I'm sowwy! Please I'll do anything! P-please alpha...stop it hurts..." he whimpered , blood pooling underneath his head. Just as Shiro's fist was about to connect with his face for the billionth time someone caught a hold of it. Danni. He'd snapped out of his frozen stupor , pidge had quickly fitted the arm and he'd jumped from the bed and stood in front of shiro. "Danni your not meant to move yet!" He stared at Danni's naked bandaged back. Blood was already starting to seep through the bandages. "I'm not going to idly sit by wand watch my family be hurt. Shiro this isn't you! I might not know you well but you don't strike me as the time of person who'd hurt his family , especially his fiancé! Snap. Out. Of. It." He yelled pinning Shiro to the floor. Everyone looked up to see a shadowy version of shiro with yellow eyes wearing the galra prisoner uniform. The evil version had a sickening grin on its face as it tortured Shiro's mind. Shiro writhed and screamed and it was all Danni could do to keep him on the ground. "No! Make it stop! Please make it stop I don't want to hurt anyone! I don't want to..." he cried. "You don't have to! You can fight this kashi..." Adam knelt next to him petting his hair. The shadow version glared at him. "Your always going to be a monster shiro. A product of the galra." "No stop! STOP!!" He screamed desperately. "I don't want to hurt anyone! Please don't make me!" The evil clone just laughed. "But you already have~ you injured your friend Matt~ you attacked Keith's mate~ you hurt the princess~ you hit your fiancé~ your a monster shiro." A message appeared on the wall in blood. No one knew how it even got there. It read "so the leader has lost control , a monster he truly is , now he'll rot alone , hated , feared and unforgived..." Adam glared at the shadow shiro. "I don't care what you are but my fiancé isn't a monster! So stop your pitiful mind games!  Takashi you can fight this! We all still love you , your being controlled you didn't meant to hurt anyone! We believe in you kashi...." Shiro was silently crying and he screamed clawing at his face. Adam grabbed his hands to stop him. "Shhh Kashi it's okay." The shadow Shiro's face started to crack and he glared seething with rage. "I'll be back..." Shiro gasped his eyes flying open , no longer yellow , he covered his face with his hands and sobbed. "I'm sorry....I'm so so sorry....I'm so sorry..." he mumbled over and over again. Danni got off of Shiro and stumbled to the corner his hand pressed against where is ribs were as he threw up in the corner. Lance and matt , everyone has come round during Shiro's mental war , helped Danni back to bed while hunk and Adam got shiro into bed. It took four whole hours to get shiro to come to terms with what had happened. He had cried for those entire four hours and after a lot of reassurance from everyone that they knew he would never hurt anyone like that he finally calmed down. He was now asleep Ash snuggled in his arms. At first he'd refused to hold Ash , too scared that he'd end up hurting him or that Ash hated him. But ash had cried for him and Adam had convinced him that he wouldn't hurt him and that Ash still loved him he finally held Ash. The pup had instantly snuggled into his dad's arm. He didn't really understand what had happened but papa still loved dad so why shouldn't he? He didn't get why his dad was so upset. It broke his heart to see his daddy cry. He whined squishing a sleeping Shiro's cheeks. Shiro opened his eyes slightly. They were bloodshot and the skin around them was pink from crying. "Da?" Shiro blinked. Adam sighed. "I think he's trying to ask why your sad..." Shiro frowned and held Ash closed. "It's complicated baby..." he whispered. Ash pouted snuggling into him. Lance was asleep in Keith's arms drained from the whole ordeal , Matt was cuddled into Danni's back , the alpha was asleep. Everyone was dotted around the room sleeping and trying to recover from what had happened...what had happened?...
A/n: heeey sorry if this chapter is crap I haven't felt very well recently but it's the weekend so I wanted to write as many chapters as possible before school again. I hope you enjoyed it regardless of it being kinda shitty. I think there will be one more part of this mini series thing or maybe two. And then back to the other chapters. We are nearly at 100k which means I have to do a Q&A if we get there T - T Oof oh well. I will get round to doing your ideas you gave me don't worry guys I also want to do a police au thing? I don't know...well anyway goodbye my lovely kittens 🐱❤️💙🖤💜🧡💖💛💚

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