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*the next Quintent*
Lance sighed as he laid on the bed petting Spook. It was late evening and the others had gone on a mission. Adam was sleeping , Matt was with Kyle , and he was in his room with Spook. The cat muzzled and pawed at him causing both of them to purr. The omega was happy to have the cat for company. He was lonely without keith. Suddenly there was a click. "Keith? Your baaack-" lance stopped. There stood Kyle. Spook hissed sharply as she punched on Kyle scratching at his face. He kicked the cat across the room causing her to slam into the wall and pass out. Lance glared at him hit angry tears running down his face. "You monster you hurt an animal!" Kyle just chuckled pressing a pillow over lance's face cutting off his air supply. Lance clawed weakly at his hand before going limp. Once lance had passed out he threw the omega over his shoulder and left the room. When lance came round he was strapped to a metal table. He struggled desperately. Hearing a deep chuckle he hissed as he glared at Kyle. "Cooperate and this won't hurt...much~" he said grabbing lance's hair roughly yanking his head back. Lance cried out as pain shut through his head. Kyle took the chance pouring a purple liquid down lance's throat. Lance choked and gagged struggling for air. His eyes glowed blue. "Who do you belong to?" Lance was silent for a moment before speaking in a monotone voice. "You" "Good boy~ and who do you hate?" Another slow monotone reply "Keith...Kogane..." Kyle grinned his plan was ready. He released lance making him wait in his position that he ordered. Once the others came back from the mission he ran to them. "Keith! I just saw lance burning a photos of you and him together..." Keith growled. "What game are you playing at now." Kyle glared. "If you don't believe me fine. I'll show you." He lead them to the incinerator room where lance was indeed burning photos of him and keith. He was about to burn the one they took on the double date when Keith snatched it off him. "What the fuck lance! Don't you love me!? Do I mean that little to you!? YOUR PREGNANT WITH MY PUPS! OUR PUPS!!" He felt a hand on his shoulder grounding him. Shiro. "Keith...his eyes..." Keith looked at lance's eyes, they were glowing a lilac-blue. "What the..." Keith uttered. "I told you...He's just been using you like he used me..." Kyle said 'sadly' Keith clenched his fists. "you mother fucking bastard stop what your doing to him!" He screamed throwing Kyle to the floor. The two started to fight in a clash of teeth and claws. Kyle full alpha , Keith full alpha and galra. Pidge looked around. "Where's Matt?" Shiro growled. The motherfucker had done something to Matt too. Two members of his pack. Two members of his family...Adam...what if he'd hurt Adam too! "Let's grab lance and go find them...Keith can handle this..." hunk and pidge gave him incredulous looks. "Your letting him fight Kyle? Why?" Shiro sighed. "Because...keith and lance were right all along...Kyle is evil. Let's go. Shiro grabbed lance by the hand dragging him out of the room. Once they were half way down the hall lance suddenly gasped the glow disappearing from his eyes. "Wha-where..? Kyle...he..." shiro pulled the boy into a hug. "Shhh...everything is fine just come with me...Keith's sorting it out...right now we need to find Adam and Matt...make sure their are you feeling? Are you in pain?" Lance leaned into shiro. "Dizzy...everything is blurry...nnng....what happened? I remember Kyle..coming into my room...hurting Spook....then he put a pillow over my face...I'm going to be sick..." lance fell to his knees throwing up. Shiro shushed him and gently picked him up carrying him. He reached his room. Adam wasn't there. They checked Kyle's room next. Matt and Adam were chained to the wall out cold. Pidge screamed , Hunk threw up , shiro growled and lance started crying. Shiro laid lance on the bed , then he and hunk got the two down from the wall. There was a prick on both of their necks. They must of been injected with something. Adam groaned as he started to wake up. "" his vision had trouble focusing. Shiro kissed his head. "It's really me baby. Are you okay?" Adam nodded, "just's lance we need to worry about...Kyle's gonna..." he stopped upon seeing lance laid on the bed, "is he okay?" Shiro sighed. "Define okay....keith is fighting Kyle as we speak." Adam hid his head in Shiro's neck crying. Pidge was cradling Matt Who was sobbing. Hunk was in shock. "I'm starting to think...lance had a reason to dump Kyle..." shiro nodded. "He did. A very good reason. But it's his place to tell not mine." Lance was laid on the bed crying silently. Everything hurt and he could hardly move. He felt short of breath and knew he was going to have an asthma attack. "" he gasped out. Shiro frowned. "What's wrong kiddo?" Lance coughed and wheezed. " table..." he gasped for air his eyes rolling back. Shiro cursed and sprinted to lance's room. He saw Spook lying on the ground. He grabbed the inhaler and the cat before running back. Giving hunk the inhaler he took care of the cat. Hunk who had basic knowledge of how to use it helped lance while shiro helped Spook. After five minutes lance was able to breath properly again and Spook had come round. The cat limping over to the bed and meowing for someone to pick her up. Shiro put the cat on the bed. Spook curled up protectively on lance's chest. Lance smiled tiredly. There was loud crashing outside and Kyle burst in wickedly grinning like a madman and holdings space blaster. Suddenly Keith jumped him from behind. Lance sobbed holding spook. Keith punched Kyle hard in the face sending him flying. Kyle shot Keith in the shoulder. Keith cringed as pain exploded in his shoulder but the adrenaline was stronger. No one messes with his family and gets away with it. With a roar he slammed Kyle's head onto the floor knocking him out. He probably would of proceeded to kill Kyle had Shiro not pulled him off. At that point his energy disappeared and he collapsed into shiros arms sobbing in pain. Shiro carried him to the med bay. Hunk carried lance. Matt and Adam were supporting each other with help from pidge Allura and coran. Once in the med bay , Keith refused to be put in a pod so he was laid down on a bed. Shiro helped him take off his shirt , and Allura manually removed the bullet lodged in his shoulder , cleaning the wound and then bandaged it , she then tended to the rest of his wounds before moving onto lance. Their were long gashes caused by a knife on his back that she cleaned out and bandaged. He had bruising on his neck. She healed him physically. But mentally he was a mess. "Lance baby...shooga...c'mere..." lance stumbled numbly over to keith. Keith pulled him close ignoring the pain in his shoulder. "Do not blame yourself for a single thing that happened. None of this was your fault. Okay?" Lance sobbed into his chest. His entire body quivering. His sobs became screams of anguish. He became distraught and hysteric. Keith could do nothing to quell lance he just let him cry into his chest. Lance deserved a good cry. Lance let go of all the pain , sobbing and screaming. When his tears finally ran dry he laid there in Keith's arms sniffling. He was deep in omega space. Keith slowly traced little hearts into lance's thigh , it somewhat soothed the omega. Shiro went to dispose of Kyle. For now they couldn't do much so they were keeping him in a holding cell until the rebellion game to pick him up. Needless to say he was going to be in major shit. The others on the room were all asking them selves one question. Just what exactly happened between Kyle and lance...? Soon enough they were going to find out. Lance had come to a decision. He was going to tell them. The whole story. From the start. They deserved to know after all this...but right now he was exhausted. Keith's hand moved to lance's tummy rubbing it gently till he heard a sharp gasp. "Are you okay...?" Lance whimpered softly "I think one of the p-pups just kicked..." Keith's eyes widened as he smiled in awe. "That's so amazing...sorry that it hurt you so much tho." Lance giggled. "It's okay." He gasped again. "Ugh they don't wanna stop moving...come here..." Keith moved closer , bewildered. Lance gently guided Keith's head to lay on his tummy. Keith gasped as he felt another kick. "Woah....their our babies..." lance smiled tiredly. "Mhm..." he yawned his eyes fluttering. "Your exhausted...get some sleep sweetheart." Lance didn't argue as Keith sat back up pulling lance into his arms , cuddling him. He cringed a little in pain from his shoulder , but after being given a shot of painkillers he was fine. The couple were asleep in seconds. Pidge was clinging to Matt. Allura said that whatever Kyle had used to control lance he had used on Matt too. That's why matt never left Kyle's side. If the omega left his side the control would wear off like it did with Lance. He'd used a simple sedative to knock Adam and Matt out so they were fine just groggy. Adam was asleep on Shiro's chest. Matt fell asleep cuddling with pidge. Hunk fell asleep on one the other beds. Coran and Allura smiled bidding them good night. Nothing was going to be the same for sure...but whatever came next...they could handle...somehow.
Words: 1700
A/n: KYLE HAS BeEN bUsTED YeEt! Next up we reveal the full extent of what Kyle did to lance , and to Matt as well. Poor babies. Gonna be super duper angsty. Hope you enjoyed the chapter~ it certainly isn't the end of the story~

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