Double date

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*1 week later*
Lance was back on his feet after his near death experience. They had discarded the bottle of pills and just have him a fresh one which keith and lance new kept high up in the mirror cupboard. Lance was currently getting ready , because keith has told him to. Keith was who knows where. He side wondering what he could wear that didn't make him look too fat. He went with an oversized blue sweater with a cat face on it that hung off his frame and hid most of his baby bump paired with black leggings and black converse. He put on his blue framed glasses after doing his skin routine and putting on a small bit of make up. Foundation , concealer , mascara , eye liner and a coat of pink lip gloss. When he was satisfied with his look he went to the lounge where keith had met him. On the way there he saw Adam who was also dressed up and heading to the lounge. Adam was wearing a button up black plaid shirt he'd stolen from Shiro's side of the wardrobe , blue ripped skinny jeans and black combat boots, and his typical black framed glasses. He smiled at lance.
"Nice glasses~" lance giggled. "Why are you all dressed up?" He asked curiously. "Shiro told me to...he was really vague told me to meet him in the lounge." "Weird keith told me the same thing. He was also really vague." The two omegas shrugged walking into the lounge, there stood Keith and shiro. Keith was wearing a button up red shirt with black jeans and his usual boots. Shiro was wearing a button up black shirt , white jeans , and black vans. Lance and we're confused.
"We're going on a date, a double date. Adam and I and keith and you." Shiro explained. Lance squealed. "So cuteee! That's one of the things on my bucket list. To go on a double date." Keith raised an eyebrow. "You have a bucket list?" Lance nodded kissing his cheek. Keith giggled wrapping his arms round his waist. They took a pod to a planet that Allura told them was good for a date. The air was breathable for humans and the planet was very much like earth. Beaches , shops , food courts , amusement parks etc. The people there were friendly. They were humanoid in appearance apart from two feathery appendages either side of their head. They appeared to be their ears although how they heard out of them was behind the two couples. They walked across the beach admiring the ocean , something lance was grateful for as he missed the ocean. They saw a couples outdoor photo booth. Lance and Adam's eyes lit up and they all bit dragged the alpha's over. They stood in front of a tree. Lance on Adam's shoulders , Keith on Shiro's. The two couples kissed at the same time. They got two copies of the photo. One for each couple. Then they went to get some food. Half way through the two omegas suddenly ran to the bathroom leaving their bewildered alpha's sat there blinking at the space their mates had been. Their eyes darting from each other , to the empty spaces to the bathroom. "Ya think their a'right?" Keith asked his accent poking through slightly. Shiro bit his lip. "Let's go check on them just in case." They went to the bathroom to find staff members comforting their two crying mates. Keith ran to lance. "Baby boy are you okay?" Lance sniffled leaning into Keith's arms. One of the staff members stepped up. "They both seem to have upset stomachs. Poor things were so sick. We gave them some water." Shiro thanked the women and he cradled Adam. Adam curled himself into a ball trembling and crying. "I feel ickyyy." He whined. Shiro missed his head. "I know baby I know...maybe we should head home now?" Keith nodded as he picked lance up koala style and shiro gave Adam a piggy back. They paid for their meals and carried their incapacitated omega's to the pod. Once they arrived back they went to lance and Keith's room. Adam had insisted he wanted to spend time with them. Shiro got Allura. Lance's was just pregnancy related sickness. She checked Adam over. "He doesn't have any illness....had you too um...been intimate recently?" She received two affirmative nods. Sighing she did an ultrasound on Adam. She smiled softly. "Congratulations he's expecting." Shiro leaned down kissing Adam passionately as Adam giggled tearfully. Shiro rubbed Adam's stomach happily. "We're going to be parents." The couple rejoiced at the happy prospect. Unbeknownst to them someone was listening to them outside , a malicious smirk on his face. "So Shiro's mate is pregnant now too? That's good...he'll be busy looking after His omega as well as being the leader. The little kink he threw into my plans has been straightened out. He was getting too close to the would be such a shame to have to eliminate him too. I'll punish that little bitch ten fold for blabbing to those two. There was so many punishments I didn't get to try~ oh I'm excited just thinking about it. Lance's tortured screams are so beautiful~ and his skin is a perfect canvas." He chuckled softly before going to a secret room. Inside was a cauldron bubbling over. The potent stench burning his nostrils. " It's nearly ready...soon LANCE WILL BE MINE FOREVER!!" He cackled madly.
*later that evening*

Lance was curled up in bed. Keith was training for an hour while lance was meant to take a nap. However lance couldn't get comfortable. His breasts were sensitive. As embarrassing as it was to admit that. No matter what position he laid in they hurt , so did his hips , so did his back. Everything hurt. He groaned laying on his back as he talked to the ceiling hoping it would help. His eyes went wide when he felt something wet trickle down his chest. "What the..." he carefully peeled off the sweatshirt gasping at how sensitive his breasts were. They'd swelled to an A cup and were leaking milk. Ugh...he was lactating. Lance sighed going to the bathroom and tapping himself a nice warm bath with peppermint oil to help ease his nausea. He sank into the tub and soaked for half an hour eventually dozing off. When he woke up the water was cold and his fingers were wrinkly like raisins. He dried himself with a fluffy towel and changed into one of Keith's sweatshirts and some lacy blue lingerie panties. He had just gotten back in bed when he heard a small noice coming from the wardrobe. Spooked he grabbed Keith's blade that keith had left with him telling him to use it for protection. Slowly he crept towards the wardrobe and opened. Screaming when something jumped out at him. It was..a cat? It looked like a cat. Some sort of space cat. Lance steadied his hammering heart , putting the knife down , he started petting the space cat. Then the door burst open as the team ran in worried. "Lance what's wrong why did you scream are you hurt!?" Keith rambled. Lance giggled softly. "I'm okay keith...I heard a noise in the wardrobe and thought it was an intruder or I grabbed your knife and opened it...then something jumped out at me which gave me a heart attack and made me scream...turns out it's just some sort of space cat?" He indicated to the cat creature on his lap. Keith made a small Oh with his lips. Allura smiled. "That's an altean cat...poor thing must of been living out here for ages. It's a female by the looks of it." Lance smiled at the cat in his lap. "Can we keep her pleaseeee? She can keep me and Adam company when we're lonely while our alphas are training." Allura giggled petting the cats head. "Of course we can~ she'll need a name first." Lance smiled. "How about spook? Seen as she spooked me half to death." They all smiled. Spook it is. Keith helped lance up , Spook curled up in the Cubans arms. Lance laid on the bed , Spook curled up at lance's side. She purred and nuzzled Lances side which helped the Latino finally go to sleep. Keith smiled. "I've got a good feeling about having the cat around. She seems protective over lance...maybe omega's in general?" Allura nodded. "Altean cats are very good companions. They have different values that they pride. Depending on the colour of the smudge of fur on their forehead. Her smudge is pink. She prides maternity instincts. Motherly caring people. Particularly omega's are who'll she bond with most. She'll be fiercely protective over lance , Adam and their pups and Matt too. Their also magical." Keith grinned. "Guess Spook is our little Guardian~" he said petting her head. She purred snuggling into the touch. Keith was safe. He was lance's mate. She shed let him near him. However she glared daggers right at Kyle. Hissing at his every movement. Pidge giggled "Guess she doesn't like you dude~" Allura frowned. "I'm not sure why she reacted to you like that. They only hiss at people they see as enemies. In her case people with malicious intent , heartlessness , cruelty , and people who'd hurt a child and pregnant person." Kyle shrugged. "Cats never like me it's fine~" he left the room quickly. "Great that dumb cat put another kink in the works...I'll have to get rid off it..." annoyed he stormed down the hall. "Mark my words...lance will be mine..."

Words: 1616
A/n: sorry it's so shooort! I'm trying to update as much as I can in one night. Update spree here we come Yeet. The next chapter gonna be super angsty Yeet~ wonder what Kyle is planning? Spook is a sweetheart. Also I got attacked in the group chat with my friends. All I did was send a voltron meme. We are all anime fans , however the one person who was active doesn't watch it anymore because of how the season ended. It made me a little sad but anyway Hope you enjoyed the chapter my lovely beautiful kittens!! 🐱❤️💙

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