Mystery Man

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Heads up In this fic Thace and Ulaz are still alive
Trigger warning: seizures , ticks , gore

*somewhere on a galra ship*

Galra soldiers filled the rows of seats in the arena. The colosseum roared with excited cheers and yells at the prospect of a fight. A prisoner was dragged out. She was a tall slender female with pale yellow skin pink pupiless eyes and glowing pink antennae , dressed in the standard prisoner uniform of a black body suit and purple crop top. She was shaking as she was forced into the ring with a wooden club in her hand as her only weapon. A gate slid open and a large troll like creature stumbled out. Each heavy foot step shook the arena. The fight barely lasted a minute. The poor girl didn't stand a chance. The B.O.M members who were undercover struggled to hide their wince when they watched the prisoner get torn to shreds. The rest of the galra were booing out of boredom. Suddenly a hooded figure walked out. "Who's this little fellow?" A large galra general commented. The figure was slender but toned. He wore a hooded black cloak and a black and gold Kitsune mask. The troll creature swung a colossal club like fist at the mystery man who dodged it gracefully before drawing a double bladed sword infused with dark magic. He swung it slicing the troll's fist off. The troll cried out in pain and stamped it's large knarled feet like it was having a tantrum. The man just weaved in and out of the feet that would easily crush every bone in his body. He stabbed and slashed at the troll inflicting damage. Then to finished it off he uttered an incantation. "Pico Nyopius stratos." He said in a dark possessed voice. The troll was surrounded by a tornado that ripped it to shreds. The galra watched with mixed reactions. Some where scared about their positions being overthrown by this tiny newcomer , others were angered that this tiny man had even been allowed to fight. The undercover blade members were confused and nervous. Who was this guy and was he an friend or foe. Thace and Ulaz in particular were feeling on edge about this mystery man.
*with the paladins*

Keith was currently half asleep on the table. Last night had been quite the experience. And not in a good way. He'd never been drugged before and he couldn't say it was enjoyable. Lance was gently rubbing his head and back to soothe him. Now that the immediate effects of the drugs were over he was having to deal with the aftermath. His body felt like it had been poisoned and he didn't like it. He felt very shaky and confused. Lance held Keith close when the ravenette started shaking uncontrollably. He was very used to dealing with this scenario because of Danni. With the amount of medication his big brother took it was no surprise that he'd become addicted before. But the alpha always had his family to support him. Keith whined and buried his face into Lance's shoulder wishing he could stop shaking. Everyone was feeling the effects of last night. Shiro was sincerely regretting drinking all the alcohol because now he had an awful hangover. Hunk was starting to regret eating so much strange alien food. Danni and Matt weren't even at breakfast yet. When the two boys finally arrived they definitely looked a little worse for wear and it wasn't because of the messy hair , rumpled clothes and hickeys. They were both pale and looked ill. Adam raised an eyebrow. "What's up with you too? Did you eat too much like Hunk did?" He asked. They shook their heads. "We didn't eat that much...or drink that much...I just feel really sick and Danni had a seizure and hit his head on the floor so now he's dizzy and nauseous too." Matt mumbled resting his head on the table. Lance frowned at his big brother who just gave him a weak smile. "I'm okay now Lancey , just feel like I got punched in the head by a boxer." Shiro groaned in agreement. Adam petted his hair comfortingly. "Whatever you was drinking must've been the Alien equivalent of Vodka. Only Vodka does this to you." Adam said softly keeping his voice quiet so he didn't make Shiro's head hurt anymore. "Adam I'm dyinggg" he whined softly. Adam shook his head smiling. "Your not dying Kashi it's just a hangover." Shiro pouted. "I am dying." He insisted firmly before grabbing his head in pain and groaning. "Oh my fucking god please knock me out already." Shiro hissed in pain. "Holy shit space dad just swore." Pidge laughed. "I can't even be bothered to lecture you..." mumbled Shiro , who genuinely looked ready to throw himself out the airlock. "That means we have a get away with swearing free card." Pidge proclaimed excitedly. "Pidgeee keep it downnn." Matt whined from his place curled up in Danni's arms. Danni had fallen asleep already with his chin on Matt's head. Matt whimpered suddenly as he wrapped his arms tightly around his abdomen fighting the urge to throw up. He quickly bolted out of Danni's arms shocking the alpha awake. He knew he wouldn't make it to the bathroom so he just ran to the sink and promptly threw up any food he'd just forced down. Danni ran to Matt's side despite looking pasty himself. He rubbed Matt's back trying to ease his boyfriends discomfort. When Matt was finally able to stop tossing his cookies in the sink he turned and buried his face into Danni's stomach. "Feel icky...." he whimpered in a small voice. Danni held him close with one arm while turning the tap on to clean the sink with the other. "I know babe just take deep breaths and relax..." Danni said softly. Allura frowned. "That was a pretty violent reaction , did you eat anything that might of disagreed with you?" She asked feeling Matt's head for a temperature. "No I didn't eat too much and what I did eat I've eaten before at the rebellion base. It's not the food or drink and I wasn't drugged." He pouted leaning heavily against Danni. "Hmm...I'll give you a check over. Hopefully that will tell us what's going on" she patted his head and started to walk towards the infirmary having already finished her breakfast. Matt and Danni followed her , both stumbling and struggling to support each other. The others finished their breakfast and trudged after them. Matt was laid on Danni's chest , he was pale and shaky , The alpha was doing his best to comfort his omega but he wasn't looking very well himself. Shiro had laid down on one of the other beds and was close to passing out. Keith was clinging to Lance's waist , he was still trembling and suffering from the withdrawals. Allura looked at the sorry bunch and shook her head. 'Humans bodies sure are weird..' she thought to herself. She started checking Matt over but she couldn't find anything particularly wrong with him. She bit her lip before a light bulb went off in her head and she grabbed the ultrasound equipment. Matt's eyes widened. "W-Why are you using that." He squeaked. "I think you might be pregnant." Allura stated simply. Matt went red in the face and stuttered. "M-Me...? P-P-Pregnant. I c-can't be pregnant. I'm on the pill." Danni also looked stunned. Allura shrugged. "I can't find anything wrong with you so I might as well take a look. Now this might be a little cold." She said as she lifted up Matt's shirt making him blush and squirm , she then squirted some of the blue ultrasound gel on his stomach , he gasped as the chill seeped into his skin. She moved the ultrasound which confirmed Matt was pregnant. She couldn't tell how many were in there but there was definitely a baby in there. "You're expecting~" she giggled , gently wiping the gel off Matt's stomach. Danni gently pulled Matt's shirt down his brain still trying to process this new information. "We're having a baby..?" He asked softly. Matt looked at his currently flat stomach. "I don't know if I'm ready for a kid..." he mumbled. Danni frowned and held Matt closer. "I know it's scary...but I don't think you can ever truly be ready for a child. You don't have to do this alone baby. I'll be there with you." He reassured. Matt leaned his head into Danni's neck. " long as you're with me.." he closed his eyes tiredly and drifted off to sleep. Lance beamed at his big brother. "You're gonna be a great dad bro-bro." He said enthusiastically. Danni smiled shyly. "I sure hope so..." he whispered as he watched Matt sleeping in his arms. He gently brushed Matt's bangs out his face and kissed the Omega on the nose. Lance had become Keith's human teddy bear. The alpha had a tight grip on him and wasn't letting go anytime soon. Lotor watched feeling bad for them. He wasn't sure what a hangover was or how to treat it so he decided to do a little research. Since Hunk felt too sick to cook , he decided to cook instead. He stood in the kitchen surrounded by pots , pans and various ingredients. "This shouldn't be too hard...I think..." he attempted to make hangover soup. It was a korean dish. "The galra halfling is part Korean isn't he? Too bad he's incapacitated..he'd probably be able to make this better than I can." Lotor huffed as he cocked his head to the side to read the ingredients while putting them in the pot. When he finally finished he stared at his creation proudly. "Well it smells okay?" He said aloud to himself as he looked around for a spoon. He tried a teaspoon of the soup and his eyes sparkled. "It tastes so good~" he purred. "Oh my gosh dude did you just purr. That was adorable." A voice said causing Lotor to whirl around in surprise , dropping his spoon on his foot in the process. "Ow! Quiznack! Hunk why would you scare me like that! Also don't call me cute , I'm the price of the Galra , I am very intimidating and scary I'll have you know. You should fear me." He proclaimed dramatically making the others laugh. Everyone had migrated to the kitchen. Keith sniffed the air. "I smell hangover soup-how?" He said his eyes holding hope. "Well , I wanted to help you all since you're all suffering from last night. So I found a recipe on this thing-what do you earthlings call it? Goggle? Google? Anyway I followed the recipe to make it." He exclaimed , rubbing the back of his head shyly. "It smells just like the one you can get in Korea so I think you did good." Keith said as he made a beeline for it. Lance giggled watching his fiancé act like an excited puppy over soup. Everyone helped the self to a bowl and they all agreed that it tasted amazing. When they finished eating they occupied themselves in the lounge. "How did I get pregnant if I'm on the pill?" Matt suddenly asked , obviously confused. "You must of forgotten to take it recently..." Danni said softly. Matt sighed cuddling into him. The alpha was ticking but Matt didn't mind. He rubbed Danni's neck when the alpha's head twisted rather violently to side causing him to wince. All of sudden the castle ship rocked side to side as the warning light flashed. Everyone panicked looking around as they stumbled to the operation bridge. "Princess are we under attack?" Shiro asked grabbing Adam as the omega was nearly thrown sideways. Allura pulled up the scanner. "Strangely no. I can't detect any enemy fire or's like the castle is malfunctioning. But there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the ship." Allura said thoroughly confused. Lance panicked. "What about the kids? Their asleep in the nursery!" He was trying to keep a hold of keith who was having a hard time balancing since he wasn't recovered yet. "Don't worry their fine!" A voice said. They looked to see Ruma and Drexen walk in with the children. Ruma had Ash in his arms and Drexen held the twins. They seemed to have no problem balancing. That's when the others noticed they were bare footed and using their claws to keep traction. Keith kicked off his shoes and shifted to his galra form. Lotor did the same. Keith took the twins from Drexens arms. Ruma kept a hold of Ash since Adam and Shiro didn't have galra claws to help them balance. The shaking stopped after what felt like hours but was only minutes , but something even stranger happened. A white light appeared and they could hear voices inside it. "Well fuck I guess the teleduv is screwed." A female voice said. "Oh dad and papa are gonna kill meee. I'll just move to another planet." A male voice huffed. The light disappeared and revealed two teenagers. They were both alphas due to their scents. The girl had long wavy brown hair pulled into a pony tail , with a purple , blue and red braid. She wore black ripped jeans , a red DC Flash shirt and red and black converse. She was tall and slender with caramel coloured skin. Her eyes were a vivid shade of violet. The boy was tall and broad shouldered but still lanky. He had dark brown hair with dyed streaks of white , black and purple and stormy silvery grey eyes. His skin was fair with a very slight sun kissed tint. He wore a Guns n Roses shirt , a denim jacket with patches hand sewn onto it , some blue distressed jeans , black doc martins and a white and black checkered belt. The adults blinked at the two teens. Pidge tilted her head. "Hey they kinda look like Ash and Lyra....but older?" She said her brain already in over drive. The teens paused and looked at them , their eyes widening. "Oh shit." The Male mumbled. Shiro pouted. "Hey no cussing , what would your parents say? And speaking of where are your parents?" The boy rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Ummm you kinda are one of my parents?" He laughed nervously. Shiro blanked. "Huh...?" He questioned. "Actually the boy is telling the truth. Their DNA match Shiro and Adam...and Lance and Keith. I'm not sure how but...they're Ash and Lyra from the future." Coran explained holding a machine that read DNA. The others crowded around them. Lance blinked dumbfounded. He looked to Baby Lyra in Keith's arms and future Lyra. "You're my baby? You're so tall now this isn't fair." He pouted. Lyra laughed gently. "Sorry mama you're doomed to be short forever~" lance folded his arms sulking. It took Shiro a minute to process everything , before he went into Dad mode. "Did you just cuss- Ash Sirius Shirogane I can't believe you." He gasped. Ash pouted at the use of his full name. "I'm sorry okay. Today has just been really stressful and things keep going wrong." He whined. Adam looked at him softly. His omega nature taking over. "What's happened honey?" He said softly as he wrapped Ash in his embrace , rubbing his now teen son's back. Ash buried his face into the crook of Adam's scent. "First i woke up with a migraine , then some guys at school thought it would be fun to steal my hearing aids , then I got hit in the head with a football , and if my day wasn't hard enough. The teleduv in the IGF-Atlas broke so Nixie and I were trying to fix it and somehow got teleported into the past." He ranted. Adam blinked at his son in shock. "Okay back up a little....hearing aids?" He asked quietly. His voice wavering with concern. "Dad and I got into a car accident , you was at home because you were sick from flu. We we're going shopping when a drunk driver ran through a red light and slammed into us. I got impaled with a piece of shrapnel and dad got a concussion. After I crawled out of the wreckage I was trying to find dad but I was so woozy from blood loss I couldn't hear or see him. Instead of walking towards him I was going towards the engine...which then exploded. I was flung into a wall and knocked out. The blast destroyed my ear drums. Auntie pidge , Auntie Allura and Uncle Hunk made some high tech Altean hearing aids which allow me to hear normally." He explained. Adam looked close to tears. He looked between Shiro and Ash and pulled them both close to him , holding onto them both tightly. "I nearly lost both of you..." he whispered , tears streaking down his cheeks. "We're okay papa don't worry." Ash said softly. Shiro held onto the both of them tightly until Adam had calmed down. "Okay...what's the IGF-Atlas?" Shiro asked. "It's a space ship cross robot. Kinda like voltron. Your it's captain." He shrugged. Shiro blinked in awe. "Wow." Lance was cuddling future Lyra happily. "So what about Nico how is he?" He asked , excited to hear about his other baby. The air suddenly grew tense as the smiles on Ash and Lyra's faces faded. "H-He...he's gone..." Lyra whispered , her eyes filling with tears. Lance frowned. "W-What do you mean he's gone..." he asked , in a barley audible voice. "He...died....shortly after his sixteenth birthday...eight months after he turned fifteen....he developed lung cancer..he was in an out of hospital...they tried Chemotherapy...but the cancer was aggressive and kept coming back...they couldn't risk surgery because of his asthma...he made it to sixteen...and then passed away two days later..." she sobbed. Lance's eyes widened as his own tears started to pour down his cheeks. He went deathly pale before collapsing. Drexen took baby Lyra and Nico from Keith's arms so Keith could help lance. He picked the unconscious omega up and carried him to bed. It was twenty minutes before Lance came round. He whimpered going straight into omega space. Keith brushed his hair with his fingers gently and kissed his nose. "Your okay sweetheart...everything is fine..." he looked to Lyra and Ash and their downcast expressions. "We'll change the future...we'll find a cure..." he vowed , determination overcoming his features. Lyra looked at him. "Is it really possible...? Changing the future could cause other horrible things to happen..." she asked. Keith pulled her close. "Baby girl I promise I won't let that happen." Keith promised as he held her. She sniffled and nodded. She trusted her dad. Allura looked at them softly. "You two can stay here until we can find a way to get you back home." She said softly.

Later that night , lance and Keith were trying to sleep. Baby Lyra and Nico were in their crib sound asleep but the young couple couldn't stop glancing over at them. As if any second they could lose them. Future Lyra and Ash were staying in the spare rooms. Ash was already fast asleep , but Lyra was having trouble sleeping. Seeing her little brother alive was just a painful reminder that in her reality he wasn't. She felt empty without her twin. Tears started to build up in her eyes and threaten to spill. She rubbed at them angrily. She was sick of crying. What happened to the strong her? The one that never cried. She always wore a teasing grin and had a carefree attitude. But that version of her had died when Nico did. The tears slowly started to roll down her cheeks and she sniffled. Those sniffles turned into sobs until she was heaving for air because she was crying so hard. Unable to bare it she got up and looked for her parents. She quietly knocked on the door. Lance got up and opened it. He frowned in concern the second he saw Lyra crying. He wrapped her in his arms. "What's wrong baby girl? Why are you crying?" He asked in a soft voice. He tried to let out calming pheromones but his scent was still tinted with sadness. Lyra sobbed against his chest. "I m-miss Nico.." she whimpered. Lance sighed sadly and picked her up , carrying her to the bed where Keith laid watching them sadly. He laid her down next to Keith before climbing into the bed , so that she was sandwiched between them. "I know you do sweetheart...but remember what your dad said. We're going to change the future. No way am I letting my son die. We will save him." He promised. She nodded sniffling. "O-Okay..." she whispered. Keith wrapped his arms around Lyra and Lance holding them both close. They fell asleep like that. Clinging to each other for comfort.

Coran had stayed up all night finding a way to get ash and Lyra home. The next morning everyone walked onto the main bridge to find him standing proudly with his arms spread out to present them the fixed teleduv. "I guess it's time to go home." Ash said softly. He hugged Adam and Shiro tightly. "Bye papa , bye dad. I love you." He whispered. They squeezed him gently before letting him go. Lyra nuzzled into Lance and Keith. "I'll miss you...bye bye mama~ bye bye papa~" she murmured. They nuzzled her back. Lance was crying and Keith was trying to comfort him as they bid their daughter goodbye. As the two teens stepped onto the platform and Coran activated the teleduv , they were engulfed with white light and disappeared. "This has been a weird few days..." Shiro sighed. The others nodded in agreement as they went to breakfast. Matt was sat in Danni's lap. He was still half asleep. Danni watched him fondly and kissed his head. He rubbed Matt's stomach and smiled. He couldn't wait to be a dad. Matt blinked up at him , honey coloured eyes hazy with sleep. Danni smiled cupping his cheek. "Go to sleep silly." He laughed. Matt buried his face in Danni's collarbone taking his advice. They both fell asleep quickly...

*on the galra ship*

A Druid shuffled nervously towards a door in the galra ship. Prince Lotor's old room. They rapped on the door with shaking knuckles. There was a pause before the door creaked open and a hooded figure opened the door. "What do you want?" He hissed. His voice deep , raspy and dripping with venom and malevolence. The Druid trembled. "E-Emperor Zarkon requests to see you.." the Druid stuttered out. The hooded figure nodded slowly. "Alright. Now get out of my face." He growled. The Druid scurried off. 'What is his problem' they thought to themselves as they got as far away from the mysterious figure.

The hooded figure scoffed. "Pathetic." He murmured as watched the Druid go before making his way to Zarkon's throne room. The luminous purple lights flitted over him, dancing across the black cloak he wore. Zarkon was sat on his throne.

"Emperor Zarkon, you wished to see me?" The figure spoke as he kneeled.

"Yes. I've heard great recounts of your fights in the colosseum. It seems the experiments went better than I hope. You are the perfect weapon. Therefore I'm promoting you to the rank of General. I expect continued greatness from you. Together we will weed out the pitiful and weak to forge a powerful empire." Zarkon announce.

"Yes my Lord. Thank you for the opportunity to fulfil your destiny. Vrepit Sar." The figure murmured.

"Vrepit Sar."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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