Fight the fear

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(That fanart is so friggen cute and has satisfied my smol bean omega lance needs)

Keith yawned and opened his eyes. He looked down to see the sleeping omega in his arms. He bit his lip as he remembered yesterday's events. Lance looked drained and he felt partly to blame. The omega was paler than usual. He was curled up sleeping , soft puffs of air escaping his lips. Keith rubbed his thumb over lance's hip bone. The Cuban was getting skinny again, which worried him. He could faintly see lance's ribs and lance's hips and collarbone were very prominent. It was honestly like lance was just running on gasoline. Lance let out a cute snuffling noise and rolled over so he was half laid on Keith's chest. Dressed in nothing but Keiths sweatshirt and a pair of lacy lingerie underwear. Keith gently played with lance's fingers. The smaller Cuban slowly opened his beautiful ocean blue eyes. Those ocean blue eyes that had made him cry yesterday. Those ocean blue eyes that had been filled with such fear and pain , directed towards him and caused by him. He never wanted to make lance feel that way again. He interlocked their hands , the ones that had their rings on , and placed a soft kiss to lance's head. Lance smiled up at him sleepily. "Morning shooga~" Keith hummed his accent coming out a little due to him still being groggy. Lance titled his head up his eyes closed as he nuzzled Keith's jaw. "Mornin Keefy" Keith beamed fondly. Lance's morning voice was so cute. It was soft , barely above a whisper and sweet and higher pitched than normal. Lance tucked his hands inside the sleeves of the sweatshirt trying to control the shivers starting to wrack his body , he was getting really cold. Keith felt the goosebumps on lance's thighs and got up wrapping lance in his jacket. Lance giggled kissing along Keith's jaw line , the alpha struggled not to take lance right there and then. That would have to wait until later. Their reconciliation plan was going to be food , snuggle , sex and more snuggles, and maybe some more sex. With some snacks thrown in between. And a hot bath. Lance whined as keith picked him up. He wanted more sleep. But keith was insistent on rousing him from the very warm comfortable bed. Lance caught a glimpse of his destroyed nest and a rush of guilt squeezed his heart. He did that... he hid his face in Keith's chest whimpering slightly. "Baby what's up..?" "Lo siento por favor no me dejes!" Lance said in a panic. Keith's eyes darkened now that he knew what it meant. "I'm not going to leave you've got nothing to apologise for. Shhh..." he held lance close. Lance took a few deep breaths and calmed down. He let keith help him get dressed after a hot bath. Keith chuckled kissing every exposed inch of lance's skin as he dressed him and then himself after.

 Keith chuckled kissing every exposed inch of lance's skin as he dressed him and then himself after

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