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Black. That's all the three omegas could see. Dark foreboding nothingness. The others had rushed them back to the castle in a panicked frenzy after they'd passed out. Keith rubbed his bruised knuckles , they stung from where he punched the king and the prince. Probably not his brightest idea. Everyone was gathered in the infirmary watching over the three incapacitated omegas.  The twins were asleep curled into Lances sides. Ash was in a similar position curled into Adams side. Danni was dozing off cuddling Matt. Shiro was holding Adams hand while sat down with his head bowed. Keith was running his fingers through Lances hair.  The others watched forlornly , right now all they could do was stabilise the trio. They heard a small groan. Shiro gasped as Adams hand twitched and his eyes fluttered open. His eyes were half lidded , his cheeks flushed and deep shadows resided under his eyes. His pupils were dilated and he looked very out of it. "Hey baby...how do you feel...?" Adam whimpered trying to raise his head to nuzzle shiro. "Like shit....kashi this is worse than morning sickness..." shiro crawled onto the bed curling up around him holding him close. "We're working on finding a cure...just try and relax okay? It's going to be okay..." Adam snuggled into him before glancing at lance and matts unconscious forms. "How are they...?" He asked softly his voice barely above a whisper. "Still out cold for now..." at that moment there was the noise of sheets crinkling. Danni quickly raised his head as Matt rolled over laying on the alphas chest. His eyes were partly open. "Hey sweetheart are you okay?" Danni asked gently. Matt shook his head burying his face into his chest with a whine. "....hurts....evewything...hurts...." he could barely form a sentence and was very far into omega space. Danni felt his heart break for his boyfriend. Keith stared at lance praying he'd wake up. Nico's eyes fluttered open and he whined cuddling into Lances side. Lyra pawed at Lances chest. They were hungry and with lance unconscious they couldn't feed. Lance whimpered and his brows furrowed in pain before his eyes slowly opened. Everyone sighed in relief , at least the three were conscious again. Now they just needed to figure out what they had and how to cure it. Allura and pidge were running dna tests and looking through alchemy books while coran searched the altean medicine cabinets. Hunk brought out some food and drink for the omegas to try and boost their strength. Keith helped lance feed the twins. Keeping a hold of them as lance didn't have the strength to raise his arms to hold them himself. Shiro was doing the same with Adam although rather awkwardly as ash didn't like the coldness of his metal arm and kept trying to wriggle away. "Why not try slightly heating your arm?" Keith suggested looking over to shiro. "I don't know if I can control how hot it gets...it's normally hot enough to melt through metal so..." "well  just try it first and touch something else if it's not to hot then it'll be fine. Keith reassured. Shiro nodded and started hearing it up. "Okay what Can i touch that isn't needed or can't be destroyed?" He asked out loud. Danni went over to him. "Need a indestructible hand?" He chuckled holding out his own metal arm. Shiro smiled and placed his hand on Danni's arm. Nothing happened. Danni touched it with his human hand. "It just feels like a warm bath" he laughed. Shiro smiled and went back to holding Ash who seemed to enjoy the new found warm and happily returned to suckling. Danni retuned to Matt where he noticed Matt was shivering. He looked at his metal arm and closed his eyes feeling it slowly heat up and glow. He touched it with his hand making sure it wasn't too hot before laying down and wrapping it around Matt. Matt hummed And snuggled closer to him. "...warm..." he mumbled sleepily. Danni smiled softly cuddling him tighter. Keith asked hunk to get lance a hot water bottle. "Sorry I don't have a metal arm hopefully a hot water bottle will do..." lance giggled and snuggled up to him. "Don't worry your body is like a furnace anyway no wonder your the red paladin , Element of fire~" Keith smirked burying his face into lance's neck and letting the pups crawl around on his chest. "Their so tiny~" Keith cooed scratching their fluffy galra ears with a loopy smile and eyes shining with adoration. The closed off emo alpha definitely went soft for his babies and his mate. Speaking of he looked at lance who was tucked into his side cuddling a hot water bottle. He was in the process of dozing off and it was the most fucking adorable thing he'd ever fucking seen. His eyes were half open half closed. The blue , silver and pink mixing into each other. Honestly the Altean gene or whatever had made lance impossibly even more gorgeous. He was still curious if this meant lance was some part Altean. At least he wouldn't be the only alien on the team , excluding Allura and coran obviously. He studied lance's features watching him slowly fall asleep. He looked so cute his long lashes fanned out perfectly on his cheeks. He look so pure and precious Kieth just wanted to swaddle in a thousands blankets and protect him forever. As two other alphas watches their own mates fall asleep they felt the same way as keith did...
*mini time skip brought to you by lance's fabulous booty~ he has buns FItE mE*

After fitfully sleeping a few times , attempting to keep food down , throwing up most of it , and having to be put on IV's because no matter how much water they drank they were severely dehydrated , the trio of omegas were deteriorating rapidly. Pidge typed away on her computer , bags under her eyes from the exhaustion. She compared and dissected strands of dna taken from the three trying to locate the poison. Coran and Allura were compiling a list of poisons and their antidotes that they had in the castle so when they knew that they'd been poisoned with they could swiftly deliver the cure. Pidge suddenly piped up. "I think I've got it , I just need some healthy blood to compare the anomaly to." Danni sat in front of her and let her take some of his blood. She analysed it and jumped up happily. "Yes I've got it! It's a poison called Ackaphoria." Allura scanned the list. "Found it , this is the cure. She grabbed three needles and filled them with a shit of the cure and handed them to the alphas. Who in turned injected the gold liquid into their mates veins. The flush disappeared from their skin and their furrowed browns uncreased as they relaxed in their slumber. Keith , Danni and shiro simultaneously let out sighs of relief. "Their gonna be okay..." Danni smiled in relief as he mumbled that pressing a kiss to matts head and then to lance's. He'd been the most worried , both the lives of his mate and little brother had been on the line. "Well that coalition went to shit very quickly..." Danni huffed. Allura nodded. "That it did."
Shiro rose slowly , keeping one hand on Adams hair. "So what now....? How are we going to defeat Zarkon?" "We'll think of something....for now let's just focus on these three recuperating..." Allura sighed softly. This war seemed endless...
A/n: heeey I'm back , sorry for not updating and sorry this chapter is kind of a mess.  Hopefully next chapter will be better , then again I'm a shit writer so probably not XD , I hope you enjoyed it anyway. I'm going to try and update as much as possible these next few days as I start school again on Thursday and it's year 10 (9th grade of freshman year if your American) which is a very important year especially at my school as we do early entry English exam so I'll have less time to update. I will update it'll just be slow. Now I'm going to Yeet my British ass out of here because it's 03:40 am in the bloody morning. Good by my wonderful amazing kittens I love each and everyone of you~ 🐱💙❤️🖤💜🧡💖💛💚

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