2) an arranged marriage

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-238 b.C. Official Coronation of the king-

Li Yu was standing on top of the hill with her eyes looking at the far distance. When the sky let her tears fall, she looked up to the dark twirling rainclouds. Before the storm broke loose, the last few birds were trying to find a nice dry spot.

Li decided it was time to go home too. With the edge of her skirt in her hand, she ran down the hill as fast as she could.She liked running, but now she had to protect her eyes from the rain and make sure she wouldn't trip and slide down.

In the far distance, on ox complained about the cold rain. Li opened the door to her house, slammed it shut again and took a deep breath. She cleaned her face with the sleeve of her made up shirt.

"It's raining", was all her father said. Li's mother didn't look up from her sewing task.

"The oxen are sad because it rains and it's cold."

"The oxen should be happy that they can work the land instead of working for the king. They say he's already working on his burial tomb. He's barely twenty-two! He hasn't even done anything yet! Hasn't even got the chance to do anything!"

Li Yu was not interested in politics. She didn't care for kings. One more or not, she couldn't care less. She took off her clothes and hung them up above the fire, so they could dry. She took a blanket and joined her parents around the fire to warm up.

"Mama, you should comb my hair again. I have so many knots."

"Aya" her mother sighted, "don't be so pretty. Men are waiting in line for you and you don't even hear or see them. Having a good husband would be such a benefit for all of us."

"I'm too young to get married! I DON'T want to get married!"

Her father joined the conversation.

"Then why would you ask your mother to comb your hair? You're not pretty just to make our ox happy. You should make something of your life now you have the chance to it. When you marry all your worries will be over! Marry now you are still beautiful, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life."

He stood up after his monologue.

"Dad? What are you doing?"

Li had to set aside her anger to ask him. She was so headstrong that she could refuse to speak to her parents for three days.

"I'm going to find you a good husband."

Her mouth dropped from surprise. "I don't want to get married! Not now!"

"The Ling family is looking for a suitable partner for their oldest son. You two would make a god match."

"I don't want to!"

"Be happy for yourself Li! His family has money! He can buy you all the moon cakes in the world!"

That was not fair, he was buying her off with cakes.

"Mama please tell him! I don't want to get married!" Li was standing up know. Angry and confused.

"Sit down Li."
And Li did as said to her.

"Sit down and be quit for a moment. It's time you grow up and be a woman.

Li was completely done with it now. She stood up and with an angry attitude she went to bed. She sat down on it and pulled up her legs. She would warm up a whole lot slower here, but at least she would be left alone here. She burried herself deep into her blanket.

Getting married... before she becomes too old and ugly. Is that a compliment? She doesn't even know the Ling family's son. Probably a guy much older than her and she already knows he's going to be ugly too.

He's probably boring too and he will think of himself as the most important man alive. He's not in the army. That means he has a reason for it.

"Li Yu!"

She rolled her eyes and pulled up her legs, resting her head on her knees.

"Li come here!"

Angrily she stood up and walked back into the living area.

"Do you realize that if you have a good husband, you'll be safer in war time? Safe when furious underpaid soldiers steal from our houses, steal our crops and then burn everything? Be a good girl and give your old father that last honor. Marry the Ling son. He's studying at the Qin court. He's had plenty of successes already. That's good for you. For all of us.

She could guess that it would be something as easy as that. A snob who gives parties with state money while trying to win the king's favor. No matter how young they all are. The king. The Ling son and Li herself.

They're saying that the king is reforming the army. That he will be victorious over all under Heaven. That all the gods are with him.

One day she will open her heart for someone. One day. And it doesn't have to be someone with a lot of money. Money weighs a lot on people. It attracts people you don't want in your company. You can't eat money. It won't help you sleep and it won't warm you up at night. She had no problem with marrying at an older age and work the fields. The farm is theirs.
All the money they saved was used to buy the farm. It was now officially theirs with no debt to anyone. Chen family property. No matter how little they had left.

The family line would end with Li Yu, as she was the only child. They had hoped for a boy. To carry on the family name. But a boy turned out to be a daughter. The young parents learned that having a girl had benefits too. The army would never occupy a girl. She would never have to die in a faraway land, for a useless cause.

The king had his successes in his own circle, it was very much possible he would never be better than that.

Li sat down on bed again with her blanket tight around her. She will get warm again. Silently drying her hair, while she heard her mother coughing in the distance. Just for a short moment. But it didn't sound very healthy

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