16) Feng MeiLi

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A second girl came too. She presented herself as Feng MeiLi.

"Hi. I will help Dai Yu with  applying your making" She turned around and looked in the direction of wear Chu was standing. Li looked as well and noticed that Chu gave that order.

"You always start with your hair." She took oil flacons and some other stuff.

"This will keep your hair in place. And it's good for your hair too, so you don't have to worry about that."

She put  everything down on the table and took a comb that looked expensive.

"First you brush your hair. That makes everything so much easier. Start at the ends and work your way up. This way you won't hurt Dai."

When Li took the brush, she took a moment to look at it and turned it around in her hands.

"What's it made of?"
"Bone. Sturdy and expensive."
Mei Li took the comb and showed how to handle it.

"Hold her hair so you don't rip it out. Brush gently. You will have to do this everyday."

Li patiently brushed Dai's hair. She had never brushed someone else's hair.
"Very good."

Dai sat quietly on her little stool and didn't intervene with the styling.

"Now it will get more difficult. Be careful not to spill the oil."
She opened the flacon.

"Pour a little in your hand and rub between your hands."

Li did as asked.

"Very good. Nof you brush it into her hair with your hands. Spread everything out evenly."

Li noticed how deliciously the oil smelled.

"Put it only at the lower half of her hair. Otherwise it becomes too oily and then you have to wash it too often."

Li carefully did the task. She was scared to hurt Dai.

"A little attention again. You can't do this to yourself. That's why we do each other's hair. Take a little of this. This is fat that keeps the bun in place."

Li took a little bit.
"A little more. It won't be enough."
Li took more.

"Now you will part her hair. Soon you will have to do this yourself, but now I'll help you. Take the hair from the top. It's called the crown. Put the fat on that part of the hair, evenly. The other part is to be left alone."

Li took the big chunk of hair and let it run through her finger. The fat was really sticky, but went softly through Dai's hair.

"If you take too much you will get clumps. Always use a little. You can take extra later."

Mei Li nodded her head in agreement.

"This looks good. Now gather the hair into a ponytail."
Mei Li gave Li the chance to do it herself.

"Like this?"
"More or less."
Mei Li took over.

"Now you roll the hair. It's more difficult to a normal bun. That kind of bun sits flat on the head, these ones will stand upright."

Mei showed how to do it. She obviously did it before.
"Now you try" and she made her work undone.

Li tried. And tried again. And one more time. But the hair was so sticky. It wasn't easy.

"Yes! That's it! Now you have it!"
"And now?"

"See these little combs and pins? Thats how you keep the hair in place. First use that big one, the smaller ones are for extra support."

Mei Li watched while Li did as said. Carefully she let go of the bun, and to her joy, it remained standing up. She sighed happily.

"Now take the red ribbon and wrap it around the remaining hair. Do it close to her neck and tighten well at the back, so no one sees the knot. Lastly the hairpin. Go ahead."

With great care, the finishing touch was put in by Li. The fat already started hardening.

"That wasn't too bad."
"Of course it isn't. Why wouldn't it be?"

"Now you try the make up too. Start with powder. Always take a little bit. She needs to look pale, not white. Only farmers have dark skin."
"Might be. I'm a farmer."

"What did you say?"

Li took the sponge and took a little bit of the powder and applied on the face of Dai, with the eyes of Mei en Chu following every movement.

Li Yu looked at Chu. But she just turned her head to comment on others. It meant that she wasn't  really doing something wrong."

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