13) the breaking of a child

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Li Yu didn't stand up upon the entering of Chu.

Li's hair dried right on time to be styled. Dai Yu made a bun on Li's head and secured it with a string. Not a perfect solution but well enough for what is coming.

"Dai Yu, you can go."
Li started at Dai while she left with a nod of her head and with the most graceful walk. Would there be rules on walking too?

Chu walk towards a tiny bench on the floor. She put one foot onto it. Li saw that she wears very pretty shoes. The bench was made of wood and at some point it had been painted. Chu's foot had left an imprint in the paint.

With a swing she moved the access fabric from her tunic aside.
"Come here" and she waved at Li.

Without knowing what was about to happen, Li came close. She was now standing next to the witch with her eyes asking 'what do I need to do?'

"Turn around."
Li didn't get it. With her back towards her? That's rude. More rude than misplacing your foot while standing up.

LiYu turned around and felt Chu's hand on her shoulder and felt how she started pulling Li backwards.
Li didn't expect her to do that and scared by the action she moved her foot to keep balance.
"Stand still child."

Li stood up straight again and felt how Chu pulled her backwards. She went with the movement and went through her knees.

Lying on her knee felt really uncomfortable. Chu helped Li with finding the right position. At first Li's feet could touch the ground, but Chu pushed her all the way back. Li was folded over Chu's knee with her back facing down. This was horrible.

Chu placed her hands on a leg and her stomach. And she started pushing. Li screamed and cried. The pain was indescribable.

"Why?" She cried, remembering her planned wedding and her home.
"Stay still. You need to be agile to dance."

That's what she's doing?! Making her agile? Breaking was a better description. Why? It hurts so bad!
"You're so stiff."
Chu talked to herself as if Li wasn't screaming at all.

She heard things cracking in her back.
"I can't dance and I don't want to dance!"

Chu made her shut up.
"There's money been paid for you! You don't have a choice anymore."
She pushed harder. Li screamed. What's the point of this? Folding over in the wrong direction? That's so wrong! So unhealthy and unnatural.

Tears streamed on Li's face. Not from homesickness but pure pain. The witch became even more witch.

Finely Li Yu was allowed to stand up.

She could stand up for one second and then fell over.
Madam 'witch' Chu took her foot of the bench en left the room again.

Li was laying on her side and Burris's her face in her hands.
At the door, just outside of it, was Dai Yu waiting for her.

Madam Chu didn't look at her when walking out. Dai waited until Madam Chu was fat enough and then walking inside quickly, like a normal human being.

"Oh Li Y don't cry. It will get better quickly. It's really not that bad.»
She sat down next to Li and took her by the shoulders. She wanted to pull Li of the ground, but she couldn't get up.

"Come with me Li, I'll take care of you."
Finally she could find the strength and courage to get up. Supported by Dai they left the room.

"Now you'll see the sleeping room for the first time."
Dai took real effort into cheering her up.

Dai Yu opened the door and together they walked in.

Between her tears she saw two made up beds. Dai loosened Li clothes. The heavy black fabric fell on the floor like a dead weight.

"Lay on your stomach."
Dai pointed at the bed on the right.

"Relax. Otherwise it will continue to hurt."

Dai Yu sat on top of Li, with her knees on the mattress she rolled up her sleeves and muffled them together so they wouldn't be in her way.

Li felt Dai's hands on her back and how she started massaging.

Physical contact is something that is very normal in the ancient world. With some exceptions of course. Thinking back about the breaking.

Li never got a massage before. Dai has cold and soft hands. After a minute or two, Li finally managed to relax a little. She sank into the mattress .

She still had he white undergarment tunic on, but she could imagine how it would feel on bare skin. Wait. That sounded gross.

"You will have to do that again a few times. But you will see, it will get better every time."

That wasn't really comforting but Li accepted her faith. It had to be.
But not before attempting an escape.

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