5) Ling YanTao

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Papa was very proud to walk the streets with Li. She was not only a very beautiful young woman, she finally looked like an adult and was finely dressed and bathed.

Li herself felt like a doll. An ideal drawing of herself. As a child she used to pretend having pretty clothes and dancing in the wind. That was some time ago now.

Did she just tell herself that she grew up? She didn't want to! Her parents called a marriage "the end of all your worries". For her, it felt like trouble just begun.

Li noticed for the first time how many male eyes followed her across the street. Not women. They only looked with eyes of vain.

"Who is this Ling son actually?"
"His father is a counselor at the Qin palace. He is now learning everything from his father. His first name is Yan Tao. He'll take good care of you. He is only one year older than you. That makes a good match.

That was at least some good news. He's not an old dirty man.

Li noticed how the farmer market was behind them, and how the neighborhood got cleaner and better looking. This was the elite area. The houses were painted red with black tiled roofs. On the end of each corner was a good painted lucky animal statue.

The doors were nicely painted and finished with rice paper, protecting the inner world from the outside world.

Li had never ever set a food in this neighborhood before. And the same was for papa. But he did know how to find the Ling house.

"Be very humble. We won't find you a better husband than him."

She knew all of it was meant good for her, but she really disliked the situation.

The stopped before a door. A serving had seen their arrival. He opened the door before they even moved a finger.

He bowed for them.
"Master Ling is aware of your coming. He is waiting and very exited."
Papa laughed.

Li kept her normal resting face. Both of them set a foot in the house at the same time.

The servant guided them through the beautiful house with red walls and furniture made out of dark wood with plates coated in lacquer. This house houses money. Very sure. Lacquer is just too expensive.

The floor was made out of thin stone tiles. Li Yu looked around in disbelieve and curiosity . This was so much more different then a farm made out of wood.

On a terrace outside with a roof over it, was a nicely dressed table with three people sitting at one side. A teapot was placed above a small open flame and cups were ready on the table. Nice. Tea drinking. Rules on how to hold a cup. 

The people at the table started glowing or something when they saw Li and papa stepping outside. The servant bowed respectfully.

"Master Chen and his daughter are here master."
Master Ling stood up.

"You are so lucky. I didn't expect to be home by this time. The king has manny plans. My time is often short. But now I am all at your service."
Papa bowed.

"Thank you master Ling. We are very honored by your invitation."

Li smiles weakly from one person to the other.
"Let us meet my family."

Master Ling turned around and guided Li and papa closet to the table. Madam Ling and the young lad stood up too.
"Welcome in our house" she started of directly. The Ling son bowed.

"My son Yan Tao is very honored to have your interest in us."
"The honor is all for me madam. It is time for Li to start her own life."

Everyone sat around the table and tea was poured out for everyone. Li and papa receiving first.

"It's very interesting for a farmers girl to learn how to write."
Nu smalltalk here.

"Yes. Master Wang is a very good teacher and a friend of our family. In exchange for us helping him on the field and the market, he learns Li Yu to write. And she practices well."

"So she has very good discipline?"
"Surely Master Ling. And she is vary careful with herself. She takes care of everything and is very orderly."

Madam turned to Yan Tao.
"Our son is studying for the entrance exam, to become a minister. It is very good to get married soon. Soon our son will be very busy. And then their will be a wife waiting and welcoming him home again. So he won't be alone all the time. I'm convinced Li is a very good match."

Papa laughed as if everything was perfectly in order and the marriage already happened.

"Why don't you show Li the garden? It's warm and dry. You need to get to know each other."
For Li that meant; 'go fall in love soon.' A bit too simple.

Yan Tao stood up.
"Shall we?"

His voice was soft and friendly. His parents were probably pushing him just as hard.

He is very tall and wears half of his hair up in a bun. The sign of still being unmarried and youthful. Li realized that she also had her hair only half up...

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