9) The big city

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In the yellow morning light, it became clear that Li's uncomfortable position was caused by filled bags of rice. It was really uncomfortable and it didn't help that her hands were tied behind her back.

She felt betrayed. Why did he do this? He's a family friend! He learned her how to write!

Around her were busy streets and stone houses. This has to be a busy street. And not near her home. Was she still in the kingdom of Qin? The language on the streets told her so...

Finally tha chariot stopped. Master Wang and -as turned out- his oldest son turned around to Li.

"If your promise to be quit, I will take away some of the ties."
Yes! It wasn't a pleasure to not have your mouth free. 

Master Wang came to her and untied the cloth. Li Yu took a fresh breath.
"Why" she immediately asked.
"Once you will understand" he said, he had some sadness in his voice. Why is that?
"Why not now?"
"Because I'm not allowed to. But you will understand it sooner or later."

Li Yu's eyes were as large from surprise as they could be. That was helpful. The son of Master Wang jumped off the chariot and opened the back. Master Wang too.

"I'll help you" he said with the nice voice he has. He had his two arm open. Li crawled to the upended part of the chariot. Carefully he grabbed her and hoisted her out of the chariot. The ride tired her in a way, even though she didn't have to walk or something. But she was happy to have her feet on the ground again.

"You start unpacking the rice. I bring Li Yu to her final destination." The son agreed and started doing his job. Wang ChengGong pointed at the large stairs in front of them.

It was a staircase in black stone. It was very wide with the steps close to each other. They were standing in front of a palace or something.

"We have to go up."
Li hated the idea.
Wang gave her a light push in her back.

With a temper so bad that it is beyond description, she started the climb up.

It was actually a steep staircase.
What or who would be upstairs was still a mystery.

But soon enough she saw. A palace bigger than she thought it would be.
All the way up, two soldiers were standing guard. The wore the same uniform she remembered from her childhood.
'The king is dead'

They were in the company of halberds. Above their head, above the gate was a huge white flag with dark blue green frame and the character of Qin in the same color central in the white rectangle shape.

Li started to piece together where they arrived.
"Why are we here?"
Fright was in her voice.
"Keep walking."

More and more scared she tatted climbing again. Once upstairs the soldiers looked at her with arrogant eyes. Peasant girl...
Wang finally arrived too.

"What's your business here old man?"
He shouted arrogantly. Master Wang bowed and whispered something in the ear of the soldier. The other one was still looking at Li. The Wang pointed in the direction of Li.

The soldier nodded and gestures that they should wait here.
Why wasn't she allowed to know what that conversation was about?

"They are checking inside to see if my request is correct."
Why did his voice sound so sad?

Li Yu looked inside. This is no main entrance. Compared to the size of the palace, this is not as impressive and not too guarded.

She saw the soldier coming back in the company of an old woman who was incredibly well dressed.

Wang pushed Li foreword. The woman walked towards Li. She started inspecting Li. First only looking, then touching. Her teeth, her head, her waist size. That sort of things. Li protested every time the woman touched her.

"Don't touch me!"
With a dead stare, the woman penetrated Li's soul.
"Stay calm" she ordered without shame.

The woman nodded satisfied.
One of the soldiers took Li on her upper arm.

"Cheng Gong!!!" she screamed.
"Master Wang! Please don't leave me!"
He had the face of a lost squirrel... in other words, sad. He shaked his head, turned around and walked down the stairs.

"Master Wang!!!"
But to no avail. He was gone.
And Li Yu still up the stairs. In a place she doesn't know.
What is happening? Waterfalls of tears couldn't give her the answer.

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