Strictly Business~ Cheese Nips and Weston's Agenda

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Warning:  This chapter is short.  But that's only because I wanted a dramatic ending. 

     Bleep!  Bleep!  Bleep!  Bleep!  My alarm clock screeches, causing me to groan in anger.  I take a look at the time, realizing that I’ve only gotten exactly two hours and sixteen minutes of sleep, because last night I was too busy conjuring up some plan as to how I’m going to make myself attractive to Jackson.

     Sometime during the night, my mind flickered back to my reflection in the mirror—sweaty, unattractive, and I felt the desperate desire to fix that.  To fix myself.  And so, the monotonous ringing of the alarm is a ceremonial rhythm, marking the day that I show the students of Paxton High, that I, Addelyn Cooper, am a sexy beast.

      I roll out of my bed, and lazily move towards my closet, wiping the sleep out of my eyes.  Hanging right in the middle of all my clothes is the cheerleading outfit, with a skirt that’s short enough to be considered a loincloth, and the team name “Rambunctious Rabbits” plastered across the chest.  I pull it out, and lay it on my bed.  Everything from the neck below should look decent in that outfit, but its what comes above the neck that needs a little bit of work.

     First, I need contacts.  Thankfully, I still had the pair Weston gave me a little while back.  I go into the bathroom, pulling off my glasses, and setting them on the edge of the sink. I grab the contacts from inside the cabinet, opening the case, and setting one delicate lens on my finger.

     Unfortunately for me, it falls on the floor.  Now, being that it is morning, and I don’t have my head on straight, I decide to drop down to the floor, and find the small lens without glasses.  But when I do find the lens, I realized I soiled and ripped it from my frantic and blind searching.

     Well, no big deal, I guess.  I’ll just wear my glasses.  If I fix everything else up, I still should look pretty hot.  That is, until I reach for them, and accidently sling them off the sink and onto the floor.  I cringe when I hear the glass shatter.

     So far, things aren’t working out too well. 

     But, I shrug it off.  Sight or no sight, I can still put on make-up.  It can’t be that hard. 

     And so, thirty minutes later, I’ve put on some foundation and powder, glued on my fake eyelashes, and added my mascara.  I put some eye shadow on too, but I’m not sure which color, since I couldn’t really see.  I slathered myself in bronzer, before putting the cheerleading outfit on, and matching it with a pair of red heels. 

     I can’t help but think of my chest, knowing I needed a little more lift than what I had going on at the moment.  I go to my dresser, rummaging through the bras.  None of them really work.  And then I feel it.  At the bottom of my draw sits a D-cup water bra.  My mom bought it for me, hoping I’d be able to fill it out some day.  But as a senior in high school, A-cup is where I stand.  I blindly walk into the bathroom, taking off the cheerleading top and replacing my bra with the tissue-filled one.  I throw the shirt back on, hoping that it works.

     So now, as I stare at myself in the mirror, though I can’t see anything, I can only pray that I look as hot as I imagine.  I’d love to see the look on Kristina’s face, when I show up, much hotter than she is.  But as I walk away from the mirror, something tells me that I won’t.

     But it can’t be that bad, right?


     Heels are a sin to mankind.  As I walk, or more like stumble up the stairs to the front door of the school.  I ended up finding a pair of my old prescription glasses in the side door of my car, and as much as I wanted to look at myself in the mirror first, I could hear the first bell ring for class.

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