Episode 1

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3rd Person POV

In a stasis pod, a young girl in a black tank top and black shorts wakes up to the knocking of a gun.

She looks around confused, seeing six other people staring at her as the door to her pod opens.

"Who are you?" A man asks her. She looks around at them but doesn't answer. "You don't remember, do you?"

She starts thinking. That was a good question. Who was she? She hesitantly shook her head 'no'.

"Well, hell." Another man says.

"That makes seven of us." Says the man who first spoke to her.

She doesn't want to step out of her pod. She didn't know who these people were, what was going on, or if she could even trust them. She stays in her pod while the man who first spoke to her explains what's going on.

"We all woke up, just like you. No memories." The man says. "No idea who we are or how we got here."

A big metal door opens and they all turn around.

"Hey guys, check this out." The other man says.

"Let's go, Redhead." A different man says and she looks at her hair before she follows them.

They all walk through the door, the man who opened the door had his gun pointed in front of him as the seven walked through a long hallway and into another room.

"What is this place." A different man asks.

"It's a ship." The man says. "And it looks like we're dead in space."

"Systems were down and we were venting atmosphere." A woman says, walking around. "I was able to get us back online and restore the ship's auto-repair protocol."

"How'd you manage that?" A man says.

"I don't know exactly." The woman replies. "I was standing there at the console and it just...came to me."

"Well, that's a good thing. It'll all come back to us eventually, right?" A man says.

The woman opens the locker behind her and pulls stuff out of it.

"Hey, if anyone's feeling underdressed..." The woman says. The red-haired girl opens a locker and sees a few long sleeve shirts and jeans. She pulls a shirt out. She throws it over the clothes she woke up in and it fits.

"For now, we'll name ourselves by the order we woke up in." A man says to them. "I'm One, she's Two." He tells the woman.

The man with all the guns was hitting a metal crate.

"Three." One says. "Four. Five. Six." Then he looks at the redhead. "And that makes you Seven."

"We've got comms." Two says, putting one in her ear.

"So, what do you think?" Six asks. "We the crew of a transport vessel. On some sort of long-range haul?"

"Would explain what we were doing in stasis." Two says. The rest of the crew grabs a comm. "Ship gets into trouble. Takes some damage. Systems shut down. When life support hits critical, hazard protocols kick in and we're automatically awakened."

"Wouldn't explain the memory loss though." Six says as Seven adjusts the comm in her left ear.

Three hits the metal box a few more times and throws the pole against the ground.

"Got it." Three says and lifts the lid off of the box.

"So, what are we shipping?" One asks. "Seeds? Meds?"

Number Seven //Book One// - Dark Matter  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now