Episode 7

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Seven wakes up to Five's voice yelling down the hall.

"I know the code!" Five exclaims. "I know the code! It's Maplethorpe!"

Seven gets dressed into her flannel shirt, jeans pants and converse sneakers and walks out of her room to see Five.

"I was just about to get you." Five says. "Come on."

Five and Seven run down the hall and into the part of the ship with the vault.


The rest of the crew had come down to the vault room and Five is typing in the code.

The vault opens and everyone, except Five and Seven, holds their guns to the opening. It was a small crack that had opened.

"That's it?" Three asks, looking at the small entrance.

"I think that's as open as they're gonna get." Five says, looking at the doorsteps.

"Why is everything on this ship so much work?" Six asks.


Seven and Five follow behind the rest of the crew as they enter the vault, guns pointed ahead into the dark room.

It looked like a storage room, shelves upon shelves filled with boxes and materials.

"Clear." Two says.

"The panel appears to be malfunctioning." Android says.

"Of course it is." Two says.

"Give me a moment." Android says, working on the panel.

Six opens a box filled with more guns.

"Woah." Three laughs. "Alright." He says, pulling a gun out. "I'm gonna call you Racquel."

Seven watches as Five looks through a box.

"All these are locked." One says from across the room.

"Ah, just stand aside." Three says, holding his gun up. "See if I can fix that."

"Don't be stupid." One says. "We don't know what's in there. Could be packed with explosives."

"You know, anyone else wondering why you need to lock a box that's inside a locked room." Six says.

"Could be something that we stole that we just haven't gotten around to opening yet." Two says, shining her flashlight on the boxes.

"Hey, anybody know what this is?" Five asks, holding something up. Seven looks at it and then backs away as everyone gets nervous.

"Woah, woah!" Basically everyone but Seven says to Five.

"What?" Five asks.

"I suggest you be careful not to activate it." Android tells Five.

"Oh." Five says, putting the object down.

"Well, I know what this is." Two says, opening up a box and laughing.

"We're rich." Three says.

"Guys." One says and they all look over. He pulls the cover off a box to show a woman.

"She's alive." Two says, inspecting. "The pod's hooked up to the ships power but there's no data link."

"That would explain why this chamber never showed up on any of our system scans." One says.

"But what is she doing in here?" FIve asks.

"You think she's got her memories?" One asks.

"Let's thaw her, find out." Three says.

Number Seven //Book One// - Dark Matter  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now