Episode 12

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Seven gasps, a vision lighting up and freezing her in place.

Five and Seven had been locked into the airlock by Boone, and he was 100% ready to blow them out to space.

The door opens up, Five cowers in the corner but Seven springs to her feet, fists out and ready in front of her.

"What the hell is this?" Griffin Jones asks.

"They're stowaways." Boone says. "I was just trying to scare her. I wasn't gonna space her, I swear."

Suddenly, Five and Seven were being represented in front of the rest of the team as if up for auction.

"At least let's get something for her." Boone says.

"Shut up, Boone." Griffin says. "Look guys, they're both assets. She's got a head for mechanics and tech and the red one has a genius brain."

"I don't give a shit." Portia says. "I don't want them on this ship."

"Why the hell not?" Moss asks.

"They're children." Portia says.

"Griff's right." Moss says. "We should keep her."

"It's even up." Portia says. "Your call, Ryo."

"Welcome aboard, little warriors." Ryo says. "Just don't give me any cause to regret my decision."

The next vision is Seven standing by the door of the mess hall, keeping watch as Fie plants something under the table.

Seven gasps, falling to her hands and knees on the floor, her vision broken.


"Galactic Authorities continue their investigation into what they've classified as an Extinction Level Event on a Hab-1 world under the directorship of The Mikkei Combine." The news says. "Satellite imagery captured the planet's final moments The incident, which claimed the lives of all on-site personnel, is believed to have been triggered by illegal research into what has been termed a Doomsday Weapon linked to white hole technology. Representatives of The Mikkei Combine offered condolences to all those affected but have otherwise refused comment pending completion of the official inquiry."

"Is that it?" Two asks.

"This was the most relevant of several reports." Android says.

"No mention anywhere of our involvement?" One asks.

"None." Android says.

"Guys, we're in the clear." Three says.

"Just because we're not in the official news doesn't mean we're in the clear." One says.

"All I'm saying is it could be worse." Three says. "Mikkei could've hung us out to dry, but they didn't, why? Probably because they think that we got played just like they did. We're not nearly as screwed as we thought we were."

"I'm receiving a coded subspace transmission." Android says. "It's from Calck."

"Patch him through." Two says.

"What do you want?" Two asks when Calck comes on the screen.

"Oh, you, you are all so screwed." Calck says.

"And by screwed you mean?" ONe questions.

"Certain parties with the Mikkei Combine think you set them up." Calck says.

"We set them up?" One asks, surprised. "They came to us with that job!"

"Which is why it's always important to go through proper channels." Calck says.

Number Seven //Book One// - Dark Matter  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now